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These are the top 3 most important slides in your pitch deck

Some slides carry more weight than others — and three of them are absolutely crucial.

11:00 am PDT • September 4, 2022
These are the top 3 most important slides in your pitch deck

Glambook recently raised $2.5 million at a $12 million valuation, and I managed to talk it into letting me share its full pitch deck with you to see how the…

Pitch Deck Teardown: Glambook’s $2.5 million seed deck

Today we tear down the pitch deck that landed Alto Pharmacy a $200 million Series E.

Pitch Deck Teardown: Alto Pharmacy’s $200M Series E deck

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You may need more than one pitch deck

Let’s talk through the differences and similarities between your pitch decks and take a closer look at what each deck needs to do in each context.

7:00 am PDT • July 18, 2022
You may need more than one pitch deck

A story, like a relationship, is built in stages. It’s important to match each stage with the appropriate content.

Time-tested tactics for building investor presentations

Google today gave its Drive online storage service a major redesign today and with it, it is also bringing a number of new features to its Docs, Sheets and Slides…

Google’s Redesigned Drive Focuses On Speed, Office Compatibility And Security

This past Thursday, Google decided they had had enough of their Slide experiment. Even though it had only been a year since they spent $200 million+ on the social apps…

Hell Hath No Fury Like A SuperPoke Pets Player Scorned

Because we needed more big tech news this week. Yes, it’s true that Google has just brought the hammer down on Slide, as Liz Gannes of AllThingsD first reported earlier this…

Bloody Thursday: Google Deadpools All Slide Products Except One

Google’s Slide team has been busy. In the past few months, they’ve unleashed a range of social apps meant to fulfill different needs. But the strange thing is that Google…

Photovine Grows Ready For Public Use; Easily Google’s Most Ambitious Photo-Sharing App Yet

We’ve come across the latest in Slide’s series of projects developed within Google, VideoInbox — a combination daily newsletter/Facebook app that basically centers around the viewing, sharing and cataloguing of viral videos…

VideoInbox, Another Google/Slide Production, Brings Viral Videos To Your Inbox

The Slide group within Google has been busy. Disco, the group messaging app, quietly launched back in March. Then last week, Pool Party, a group mobile photo service entered into…

Back in March, we first exposed Disco, a group messaging app that the Slide team within Google had built. And that’s not all they’ve been working on. Say hello to…

Google seems to be going out of their way not to promote Disco, the group messaging app built by Google’s Slide team. When we first revealed the existence of the…

As we just broke the news on, Google has a secret group messaging project that was built from within their confines: Disco. Slide, which Google bought last year, are the…

First Look: With Disco, Google Also Joins The Group Messaging Dance (Care Of Slide)

It seems like Google has made a foray into the group messaging space today with Disco, a new iPhone app and website. Well, they sort of have. The service utilizes…

Meet 'Disco', The Group Texting App Built Secretly Inside Google

In terms of hot spaces at the moment, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything hotter than the mobile photo sharing space. Instagram, PicPlz, and Path all have gotten huge amounts…

Many startups arise when someone notices a lot of people doing the same thing in a disorganized or sort of convoluted way. One example is how Foodspotting came about because…

Hitpost Aims To Score With Couch-Loving, Smartphone-Wielding Sports Fanatics

There’s a lie that companies and entrepreneurs tell themselves in order to commit to an acquisition. Oh, we’re not going to change anything! We’re just going to give you more resources…

Google Takes Another Big Step to Retain Employees: Autonomous Business Units

Contrary to popular opinion, the reason Yahoo’s metrics have been stagnant and its stock has lost half its value in the last two-and-a-half years isn’t because Google did search better…

Trying to Be Something You're Not: Works for Drag Queens, not for Google

While Google’s payment system, Google Checkout, is not a giant in the online payments space, it is certainly not a failure, especially when compared to some of Google’s other product…

What Games, Places, Music And News Could Mean For Google Checkout

Google is finally officially confirming that it bought Slide, a deal we first reported two days ago. Google did not disclose a price, but according to a source close to…

Google Confirms Slide Acquisition, Gears Up For War With Facebook

Short Version: A long, long time ago, I can still remember, how the MyTouch 3G’s touchscreen used to make me cry. And I knew that if they had their chance,…

Yesterday, I had lunch with one of the top people in the Chinese Internet scene who said, “We have a saying here, ‘Internet multinationals all fail in China, Google was…

Today at the Inside Social Apps conference in San Francisco, a panel of top social gaming executives met to discuss the future of gaming on Facebook. The conversation touched on…

Slide, the online entertainment company founded by Max Levchin (who we just interviewed in Davos), has decided to stop development on two of its social games, Slide SuperPocus and Top…

Are you a budding Web entrepreneur who would like some pointers or advice from seasoned company founders? MayField Fund and First Round Capital are sponsoring a raffle to give away…

Continuing his series of Davos interviews, Michael talks to Slide CEO and founder Max Levchin in the video above. Levchin discusses the ” shift from advertising to virtual goods” and…

Widgets were all the rage last year. And the trend seems to be growing. Widgetbox, a widget creation and distribution platform, is reporting 500 million impressions worldwide in the past…

Slide founder Max Levchin just kicked off a panel called “The Platform Advantage” at the Web 2.0 Summit. Participants include Google’s Vic Gundotra, Microsoft’s David Treadwell, MySpace’s Amit Kapur and…

Slide was not too happy when Facebook temporarily pulled one of its most popular applications, Top Friends, from the social networking site for exposing too much profile information to people…