senior care

Older adults increasingly want to age in their homes rather than nursing facilities. A study by the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) found that nearly 90% of people over…

Sensi.AI grabs $31M Series B from Insight, Zeev to monitor seniors 24/7

Six months after raising a $7 million seed round, Herself Health is back with some additional venture capital to expand its clinic footprint.

Herself Health, providing primary care to women 65 and over, raises $26M

CEO Kyle Hill spent a lot of time building technology for his parents that would help them find better service for their aging family members — who were around 2,000…

HomeHero wants to work with hospitals to connect in-home caregivers to seniors

Consumers in their twenties to early fifties are usually considered the most attractive age demographic because of their spending power. Unfortunately, this means that older people are often underserved by…

Aging2.0 #30in30in30 World Tour Wants To Find The Best Startups For Seniors