Senate Intelligence Committee

TikTok announced today a new initiative designed to help small businesses better market themselves on its app — and eventually become TikTok advertisers. The company is introducing a free program…

TikTok targets small businesses with new ‘Follow Me’ educational program

Featured Article

It’s not rocket science: Why Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover could be bad for privacy

Elon Musk has put an end to weeks of speculation with the announcement that Twitter has accepted his offer to buy the platform for $54.20 per share, valuing the social media platform at about $44 billion. While Musk’s drawn-out pursuit of Twitter has come to an end, for him at…

It’s not rocket science: Why Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover could be bad for privacy

Featured Article

‘Always on and watching’: A former Xinjiang prisoner describes life inside China’s detention camps

For 10 months in 2018, Ovalbek Turdakun was a prisoner in one of China’s notorious detention camps, where he was tortured, subject to horrific conditions and under constant surveillance. In a makeshift courtroom inside the detention camp he was being held, Turdakun was not permitted to speak and was made…

‘Always on and watching’: A former Xinjiang prisoner describes life inside China’s detention camps

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has assembled a review board that will be tasked with investigating major national cybersecurity incidents in an effort to “meaningfully improve” the nation’s cyber resilience.…

Homeland Security establishes the Cyber Safety Review Board to learn the mistakes from past cyber incidents

Featured Article

US government agencies bought Chinese surveillance tech despite federal ban

This story was reported in partnership with video surveillance news site IPVM. At least three U.S. federal agencies, including the military, have purchased China-made video surveillance equipment banned from use in the federal government. Purchasing records seen by TechCrunch and video surveillance news site IPVM show the agencies collectively spent…

US government agencies bought Chinese surveillance tech despite federal ban

Twitter today is introducing a new feature that will allow accounts to self-identify as bots by adding a label to their profile. This feature is designed to help people better…

Twitter introduces a new label that allows the ‘good bots’ to identify themselves

Hackers are said to have broken into the networks of U.S. space agency NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration as part of a wider espionage campaign targeting U.S. government agencies…

SolarWinds hackers targeted NASA, Federal Aviation Administration networks

Featured Article

Decrypted: The tech police use against the public

In this week’s Decrypted, we look at the technologies that police use against the people.

Decrypted: The tech police use against the public

A newly released draft intelligence bill, passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee last week, would require the government to detail the threats posed by commercial spyware and surveillance technology. The…

US intelligence bill takes aim at commercial spyware makers

It’s no secret that I hate predictions — not least because the security field changes rapidly, making it difficult to know what’s next. But given what we know about the…

2019 was a hot mess for cybersecurity, but 2020 shows promise

A bipartisan Senate investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election released today definitively implicates the country in online operations designed specifically to get then-candidate Donald Trump elected. The tactics…

Senate report says Russian election interference ‘invariably’ supported Trump, recommends national PSA

New research by the Oxford Internet Institute has found that social media manipulation is getting worse, with rising numbers of governments and political parties making cynical use of social media…

Voter manipulation on social media now a global problem, report finds

Voting machine maker ES&S has said it “will no longer sell” paperless voting machines as the primary device for casting ballots in a jurisdiction. ES&S chief executive Tom Burt confirmed…

Top voting machine maker reverses position on election security, promises paper ballots

Featured Article

National security journalism just became a national security threat

Six years ago, British intelligence officers walked into the offices of The Guardian newspaper in London and demanded its staff destroy computers they believed stored highly classified documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In the basement of the newspaper’s offices, editors used angle-grinders and drills to destroy the computers…

National security journalism just became a national security threat

A draft executive order circulating around the White House “is not the result of an official White House policymaking process,” according to deputy White House press secretary, Lindsay Walters. According…

White House says a draft executive order reviewing social media companies is not “official”

If you weren’t done watching tech giants get grilled by lawmakers, mark your calendar for September 26 in what’s expected to be another riveting round of questioning. Policy chiefs from…

Apple, AT&T, Amazon, Google among tech giants called to Senate Commerce Committee

Another day, another political grilling for social media platform giants. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s fourth hearing took place this morning, with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey…

Highlights from the Senate Intelligence hearing with Facebook and Twitter

The Justice Department has confirmed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has expressed a “growing concern” that social media giants may be “hurting competition” and “intentionally stifling” free speech and expression. The…

Justice Dept. says social media giants may be ‘intentionally stifling’ free speech

Alphabet’s decision to decline to send its CEO Larry Page to today’s Senate Intelligence Committee hearing — to answer questions about what social media platforms are doing to thwart foreign influence…

Google rebuked by Senate Intelligence Committee for not sending Page or Pichai to testify

On Wednesday, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey will appear before Congress in the latest high profile hearings for tech on Capitol Hill. The main event will…

How to watch Facebook and Twitter’s big hearings with Congress

Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg has admitted that the social networking giant could have done more to prevent foreign interference on its platforms, but said that the government also…

Facebook, Twitter: US intelligence could help us more in fighting election interference

Silicon Valley is about to have another big moment before Congress. On Wednesday, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg will go before the Senate Intelligence Committee to follow-up on…

Instead of Larry Page, Google sends written testimony to tech’s Senate hearing

It might be a snow day in Washington, but the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on election system security continued as planned. During Wednesday’s hearing, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and…

To protect election systems from hacking, states are getting cozier with Homeland Security

In a press conference today, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence presented its urgent recommendations for protecting election systems as the U.S. moves toward midterm elections later this year. “Currently…

Senate Intel Committee gives Homeland Security its election security wish list

It’s impossible to know just how much stuff being circulated on social networks is Russian state content in sheep’s clothing, although tech companies are scrambling to figure that out. Now,…

Here’s how Russia targeted its fake Facebook ads and how those ads performed

While the Senate has spent the better part of a year making sense of Russia’s actions to influence the 2016 election, tech made quick work of its own analysis —…

On Russia, tech doesn’t know what it doesn’t know

In an update on the progress of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, the Senate Intelligence Committee weighed in on recent revelations that have implicated major…

Senate Intel committee calls on Facebook to release Russian ads

One of the Senate’s main cybersecurity proponents wants assurances that voting systems in the U.S. are ready for their next major threat — and he’s going straight to the hardware makers…

Senator calls on voting machine makers to detail how they’ll prevent hacks

Congressional investigations into Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election are looking at the spread of misinformation on a number of online services — not just Facebook. In fact,…

Twitter is briefing Congress today in election probe