Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Rather than a CEO-slamming sound bite free-for-all, Tuesday’s big tech hearing on algorithms aimed for more of a listening session vibe — and in that sense it mostly succeeded. The…

At social media hearing, lawmakers circle algorithm-focused Section 230 reform

The first major Section 230 reform proposal of the Biden era is out. In a new bill, Senate Democrats Mark Warner (D-VA), Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) propose…

The SAFE TECH Act offers Section 230 reform, but the law’s defenders warn of major side effects

Tech got dragged into yet another irrelevant Congressional scuffle this week after President Trump agreed to sign a bipartisan pandemic relief package but continued to press for additional $2,000 checks…

Section 230 is threatened in new bill tying liability shield repeal to $2,000 checks

Trump’s crusade against a key internet law known as Section 230 tends to pop up in unlikely places. His Twitter feed on Thanksgiving, for one. Or at times you’d think…

Trump’s odd new attack on Section 230 is probably doomed

The CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and Google will appear before the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday in big tech’s latest showdown with Congress. The Senate hearing will have a narrower,…

Watch Facebook, Google and Twitter’s CEOs defend the law that created social media to Congress

A day after the Senate Commerce Committee moved forward with plans to subpoena the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and Google, it looks like some of the most powerful leaders in…

The next big tech hearing is scheduled for October 28

It looks like we’re in for another big tech CEO hearing. The Senate Commerce Committee voted Thursday to move forward with subpoenas for Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and…

Section 230 will be on the chopping block at the next big tech hearing

The PACT Act is a new bipartisan effort to reform Section 230, the crucial liability shield that enables internet platforms to exist, approaching the law’s shortcomings “with a scalpel rather…

PACT Act takes on internet platform content rules with ‘a scalpel rather than a jackhammer’

Accusing Twitter of censorship for adding a contextual label to false claims he made about the 2020 election process, President Trump has again declared war on social media companies. After…

Going to war with Twitter, Trump threatens critical social media legal protections

In a new interview with Recode, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made some notable comments on what by all accounts is the most important law underpinning the modern internet as we…

Nancy Pelosi warns tech companies that Section 230 is ‘in jeopardy’

I wrote the law that allows sites to be unfettered free speech marketplaces. I wrote that same law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, to provide vital protections to…

The consequences of indecency