Scott Kelly

Medium announced today its third and final acquisition of the year: Knowable, an audio-based learning platform featuring podcast-like courses from experts like Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly…

Medium acquires Knowable to bring audio to the platform

The human body “remains robust and resilient” after almost a year in space, according to a long-term, multi-institutional study of twins, one of whom lived aboard the International Space Station…

Twin astronaut study suggests interplanetary travel may not be a health risk

After his nearly year-long mission on the International Space Station (ISS) and 20 years of service with NASA, Astronaut Scott Kelly will retire from the agency, effective April 1st. “This…

Astronaut Scott Kelly will retire from NASA next month

When former International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly steps out of a Soyuz descent module on the Kazakhstan steppe at around 8.30PM PST later today, after 340 days on the…

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly breaks American spaceflight record