rodney brooks

He says that the problem is that generative AI is not human or even human-like, and it’s flawed to try and assign human capabilities to it.

MIT robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks thinks people are vastly overestimating generative AI

When the company started, Robust.AI’s founders had no intention of making hardware. “Hardware’s hard,” co-founder and CTO Rodney Brooks tells TechCrunch, “and doing hardware at scale is harder. It takes…

Robust.AI raises $20M as it scales robot deliveries for pilot customers

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Mistaking performance for competence

A year or two before launching Actuator, someone on staff floated the idea of my writing a weekly robotics newsletter. I balked at the suggestion. Surely, I suggested, we would be struggling to fill the pages by week two. It’s not so much that I doubted whether there was enough…

11:30 am PDT • March 16, 2023
Mistaking performance for competence

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Here’s everything you missed at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

In case you missed it, robots took over TechCrunch on Thursday, July 21. We played host to the robotic industry’s leading startups, researchers and academics at TC Sessions: Robotics. The event was a blockbuster success, and we hope you enjoyed the show. All the features, panels, interviews and podcasts are…

6:31 am PDT • July 22, 2022
Here’s everything you missed at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

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Harmonizing human-robot interactions for a ‘new and weird’ world of work

Robots have always found it a challenge to work with people and vice versa. Two people on the cutting edge of improving that relationship joined us for TC Sessions: Robotics to talk about the present and future of human-robot interaction: Veo Robotics co-founder Clara Vu and founder Rod Brooks…

2:40 pm PDT • July 21, 2022
Harmonizing human-robot interactions for a ‘new and weird’ world of work

Featured Article

Getting high on HRI

I know I keep teasing how excited I am about July’s big robotics event, but it’s precisely because of panels like the one we announced earlier this week. We’ve got Rodney Brooks and Clara Vu teaming up for a 2-on-1 fireside to discussing the changing face of human-robot interaction. It’s…

11:30 am PDT • May 12, 2022
Getting high on HRI

Robots have transformed automation across industries such as agtech, automotive, logistics, manufacturing and warehousing. Yet even the most advanced robots typically work in restricted workcells away from people due to…

Rodney Brooks and Clara Vu will discuss human-robot interaction at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

Robotics technology, currently a $45.5 billion global market, has had an enormous impact on countless industries, including agtech, automotive, healthcare, labor, warehousing and logistics. Thanks to advances in AI, IoT…

CMU’s Matt Johnson-Roberson and MIT’s Daniela Rus will talk higher education at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

Earlier this week, we added Anthony Levandowski to a growing list of headliners that already includes Marc Raibert, Melonee Wise and Ken Goldberg. We’re back with one more headliner to…

Colin Angle will be speaking at TC Sessions: Robotics + AI April 18 at UC Berkeley

As fields of research, machine learning and artificial intelligence both date back to the 50s. More than half a century later, the disciplines have graduated from the theoretical to practical,…

TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018 dives deep into artificial intelligence and machine learning

Last night, OpenAI’s Dota 2 bot beat the world’s most celebrated professional players in one-on-one battles, showing just how advanced these machine learning systems are getting. The bot beat Danil…

OpenAI bot remains undefeated against world’s greatest Dota 2 players

DeepMind’s AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol, the best human Go player in the world. It was a defining technological moment not unlike IBM’s Deep Blue beating chess champion Garry Kasparov, or IBM…

Artificial intelligence is not as smart as you (or Elon Musk) think

Earlier this week, at the campus of MIT, TechCrunch had the chance to sit down with famed roboticist Rodney Brooks, the founding director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence…

This famous roboticist doesn’t think Elon Musk understands AI

The agenda for TC Sessions: Robotics just keeps getting more irresistible. We are happy to announce that Rod Brooks, co-founder of Rethink Robotics and iRobot, will join us on stage…

TC Sessions: Robotics to feature talks from Rod Brooks, DARPA and MIT CSAIL

Rethink Robotics co-founder and CTO, former CSAIL director and all-around robot luminary Rodney Brooks joined the Disrupt New York stage this afternoon to tackle some complex questions, ranging from robots…

‘A robot doesn’t have to shoot back,’ Rodney Brooks says of machines in the military

In 1997, robotic scientist Rodney Brooks predicted a future where sensors and robots would be pervasive, and people could simply tell a door to open. His prognostication has come to…

Rethink Robotics and iRobot founder Rod Brooks is coming to Disrupt NY