
There’s no reputation system in the decentralized world of web3, so it’s hard to figure out which entities and individuals to trust and depend on.

Karma3 Labs raises $4.5M to improve trust in web3 with ratings and recommendations

In an economic climate like this, layoffs are a necessary evil. But what most founders don’t realize is that you shouldn’t just optimize for efficiency — you must treat people…

10 steps for managing layoffs respectfully

Networking and web security giant Cloudflare says the recent 8chan controversy may be an ongoing “risk factor” for its business on the back of its upcoming initial public offering. The…

Cloudflare says cutting off customers like 8chan is an IPO ‘risk factor’

A little victory both for Amazon and the world of virtual commerce, today: the online retailer has topped the ranking for best reputation in a poll of 14,000 U.S. consumers,…

Amazon Beats Out Apple For The Best Reputation Among U.S. Consumers, Says Harris; Google Comes Fourth

Time heals all wounds? Not if you’re the Packard Bell brand in America. At the Acer dog and pony show today, the company’s execs went on and on about how…

That John C. Dvorak is up to it again. Making radical claims year after year until one of them actually hits and then he claims credit – real classy. Dvorak’s…