Real-time bidding

Ireland’s evasive response to a major security complaint filed against Google’s adtech the year the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into application is the target of a…

Ireland’s privacy watchdog sued for inaction over ‘massive Google data breach’

An international coalition of consumer protection, digital and civil rights organizations and data protection experts has added its voice to growing calls for a ban on what’s been billed as…

International coalition joins the call to ban ‘surveillance advertising’

New York-based IAB Tech Labs, a standards body for the digital advertising industry, is being taken to court in Germany by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) in a…

Adtech ‘data breach’ GDPR complaint is headed to court in EU

The UK’s data watchdog is facing a legal challenge after it took the decision to quietly close a complaint against the adtech industry’s high velocity background trading of personal data.…

UK’s ICO faces legal action after closing adtech complaint with nothing to show for it

For anyone interested in the contested question of how much ‘value’ — or, well, how little — publishers derive from the privacy-hostile practice of tracking web users to behaviorally target…

Data from Dutch public broadcaster shows the value of ditching creepy ads

Adtech giant Criteo is under investigation by the French data protection watchdog, the CNIL, following a complaint filed by privacy rights campaign group Privacy International. “I can confirm that the…

Adtech giant Criteo is being investigated by France’s data watchdog

Featured Article

Will online privacy make a comeback in 2020?

Last year was a landmark for online privacy in many ways, with something of a consensus emerging that consumers deserve protection from the companies that sell their attention and behavior for profit. The debate now is largely around how to regulate platforms, not whether it needs to happen. The consensus…

Will online privacy make a comeback in 2020?

Six months after warning that the real-time bidding (RTB) component of programmatic online advertising is wildly out of control — i.e. in a breaking the law sense — the U.K.’s…

Adtech told to keep calm and fix its ‘lawfulness’ problem

Featured Article

In a post-cookie world, RTB is key to effective digital marketing

We’re in a privacy panic, but contextual targeting is the answer to the cookie-free, power-to-the-consumer movement.

In a post-cookie world, RTB is key to effective digital marketing

Twitter has disclosed more bugs related to how it uses personal data for ad targeting that means it may have shared users data with advertising partners even when a user…

Twitter ‘fesses up to more adtech leaks

The online behavioural advertising industry is illegally profiling internet users. That’s the damning assessment of the U.K.’s data protection regulator in an update report published today, in which it sets…

Behavioural advertising is out of control, warns UK watchdog

It’s a year since Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force and leaky adtech is now facing privacy complaints in four more European Union markets. This ups the…

GDPR adtech complaints keep stacking up in Europe

A report by the lead data watchdog for a large number of tech giants operating in Europe shows a significant increase in privacy complaints and data breach notifications since the…

Privacy complaints received by tech giants’ favorite EU watchdog up more than 2x since GDPR

Male impotence, substance abuse, right-wing politics, left-wing politics, sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, mental health. Those are just a few of the advertising labels that Google’s adtech infrastructure routinely sticks to…

Google and IAB ad category lists show ‘massive leakage of highly intimate data,’ GDPR complaint claims

A ruling in late October against a little-known French adtech firm that popped up on the national data watchdog’s website earlier this month is causing ripples of excitement to run…

How a small French privacy ruling could remake adtech for good

After a six month test period, Gradient X took the beta label off its mobile ad platform. Backed by $3.75 million from GRP Partners (er, I guess that’s Upfront Ventures…

Promising To Bring Mobile Ads On Par With Desktop, Real-Time Bidding Startup Gradient X Leaves Beta

Ad-bidding platform Sociomantic is expanding into Southeast Asia with a Singapore office to be launched on July 1. The startup provides a real-time bidding platform targeted at ad buyers. When…

Sociomantic Launches Singapore Office, Hires Another Googler To Run Operations

Facebook is testing and will soon launch Facebook Exchange, a real-time bidding ad system where visitors to third-party websites are marked with a cookie, and can then be shown real-time…

Facebook Exchange: A New Way For Advertisers To Target Specific Users With Real-Time Bid Ads