Reader Response


CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response Closes

Today is the day — for selecting the winners of our CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response contest. The two lucky very lucky winners will each receive a brand new Sansa Connect…


CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response

The CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response has one day left! Two winners will walk away with a brand new Sansa Connect from SanDisk. To enter, all you have to do is…


CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response

The CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response continues today. In addition to some great audio content, we have a couple of prizes that should interest most of you. What is on the…


CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response Continues

Today marks the first day of the second week of our CrunchGear HiFi series. We have a few more reviews and features coming so stay tuned for all of that.…


CrunchGear HiFi Reader Response Extended

Because I’ve been traveling and thus out of the loop, I’ve decided that it’s only fair to extend our HiFi contest and features by another week. We’ll be giving away…


Reader Response: Countdown to CES Day 03

The wait for CES is yawn inducing, but it looms at least. That means no more slow news days; no more staring blankly at my monitor, possibly drooling, waiting for…


Reader Response: Countdown to CES Day 02

I was supposed to post these last night, but I got wrapped up watching LSU annihilate Notre Dame. Sorry bout that. Anyway, I managed to find two winners for yesterday’s…


Reader Response: Countdown to CES Day 01

Happy Jan. 2! You know, I only recently got used to writing 2006—and now it’s 2007. I wonder if I’ll adapt to writing the correct date sometime this side of…


Reader Response: Countdown to CES

Happy New Year everybody. I hope everyone had a pleasant evening and managed to remain safe. We’re currently working off our drunks, but semi-consistent posting should resume tomorrow. At any…


Reader Response: Holiday SPECTACULAR Days 04/05

I’ve been jamming out to Man Man and doing nothing productive today, because let’s face it, there isn’t really anything to report today. We almost nothing. We do still have…


Reader Response: Holiday SPECTACULAR Day 03

It’s a good thing this is a slow week, because I don’t think I’d be able to hang otherwise. I think I overdosed on tryptophan at some point Monday evening…


Reader Response: Holiday SPECTACULAR

Oh sleepy day. I’ve been cleaning my house half-awake, listening to downtempo. I hope you all are more prepared for the holiday onslaught than myself. So before everything hits, I…


Reader Response: Festivus Week Concludes

It’s over! Seven days of tenacious commenting; seven days of you readers scrambling for a chance to win a Nikon D40 camera kit. We’ve already given away a bunch of…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 4

The sky is falling! Or at least is seems like it. There is some apocalyptic raining goin’ on down here in NOLA. Katrina Deux perhaps. Flooding everywhere. I saw kids…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 3

Ah Wednesday, Reader Response Festivus Week moves on bringing us one day closer to Friday; one day closer to that Nikon D40. It also means that today is the first…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 2

Greetings all. Now that today is winding down, I’d like to take a quick moment to announce the second Sandisk Cruzer Winner. Lots of good comments today and I enjoyed…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 1

To think we started CrunchGear just a little over five months ago. Its growth has been quick, and looking across the posts there is a comment on almost every entry.…


Reader Response: Festivus Week

As I mentioned previously, Reader Response for the coming week is going to be big. Rather than awarding one grand prize on Friday, we’ll be awarding prizes every day next…


M2 Convert Winners: Day 06

Hello everybody, I hope all is well with you all. It’s raining here in NOLA and I’m dizzy, thanks for asking. I’ve got a new batch of M2 Convert winners…


Reader Response Week Three

Greetings all, hope you’re having a fine boring Monday. I know I can barely keep my head propped up. You’re in luck though, because I’ve got the latest installment of…


M2 Convert Winners: Day 05

I know, I know, I’m a slacker. These should have been announced yesterday. Sorry. Please forgive me, etc. OK, now that that’s out of the way, I have the fifth…


Reader Response Week Two

We have a winner for the Samsung Blackjack, so all comments from here on out will count for next Friday’s as of yet unannounced prize. Before I announce the winner,…


M2 Convert: Day 03

The saga continues! We’ve had a bumpy two days, but appear to be settling into our new home now. A more stable server means a more loving environment for our…


Annnnd We're Back

Sorry for that hiccup everyone, it looks like we’re back up and rolling now. Guess we’re experiencing some growing pains. Anywho, don’t forget about our Reader Response contests. In addition…


M2 Convert Winners: Day 01

Whew. Long day, but at least it’s winding down. Now that I’ve got a minute to catch my breath, I’m going to go ahead and announce the first 10 winners…


Question About Lenses

Alright, I’ve been scouring the Internet for the past few hours looking for the best lenses for a Canon EOS-30D. My searches are coming up mixed, so I figured I’d…