The U.S. podcasting industry had a record year in 2017, reaching $314 million in revenue – a figure that’s up 86 percent from the $169 million in 2016, according to…

US podcast ad revenues hit record $314 million in 2017

Venture capitalists will tell you that a lackluster IPO market and struggling tech stocks mean that they are being more cautious, but the data suggests otherwise. Apart from last year,…

What bubble? VCs spent $12 billion on startups in first quarter

The IAB has published its half-year sales report for Internet advertising in the U.S.: it’s come out to just over $17 billion for the first six months of this year,…

IAB: 6-Month Internet U.S. Ad Revenues Hit All-Time High Of $17B But Growth Slowing Again, Mobile Booming

Online advertising revenues in the U.S. hit $6.4 billion in Q3 2010, representing a 17 percent increase over the same period in 2009, according to estimates presented moments ago by…