privacy by design

A fat fine — of €405 million — is headed Instagram’s way after European Union privacy regulators came to a decision on a long-running complaint related to how the social…

Instagram fined €405M in EU over children’s privacy

The European Commission has set out a plan for coordinating the lifting of regional coronavirus restrictions that includes a role for digital tools in what the EU executive couches as…

Digital mapping of coronavirus contacts will have key role in lifting Europe’s lockdown, says Commission

Facebook has been left red-faced after being forced to call off the launch date of its dating service in Europe because it failed to give its lead EU data regulator…

Facebook Dating launch blocked in Europe after it fails to show privacy workings

Privacy commissioners from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Australasia have put their names to a joint statement raising concerns about a lack of clarity from Facebook over how data protection…

Libra, Facebook’s global digital currency plan, is fuzzy on privacy, watchdogs warn

An independent expert group tasked with advising the European Commission to inform its regulatory response to artificial intelligence — to underpin EU lawmakers’ stated aim of ensuring AI developments are…

Europe should ban AI for mass surveillance and social credit scoring, says advisory group

Brave, an ad-blocking web browser with a blockchain-based twist, has started trials of ads that reward viewers for watching them — the next step in its ambitious push towards a consent-based,…

Blockchain browser Brave starts opt-in testing of on-device ad targeting


Within a matter of months, the General Data Protection Regulation will apply across the EU and business processing citizens’ data will need to be sure they’re compliant. We explain the…


Wait, what? Yes, you read correctly. “Data” and “minimization,” two words that have rarely been used in the same sentence, now represent one of the critical product design rules we…

Data minimization — the new design rules for startups

Why privacy is the killer app 

Our world looks very different from when Steve Jobs held aloft the first iPhone in 2007. Marketers didn’t use technology beyond their website analytics, email marketing and display ads. It’s…

Why privacy is the killer app 

Ever felt like you were being watched online? You know, like when you read something about New York, and the next site you visit shows you ads for New York…

Why you should bet big on privacy