
Danish startup Pleo has announced that it plans to lay off around 15% of the company’s workforce. As the company currently has nearly 1,000 employees, it could affect up to…

Spend management startup Pleo lays off 15% of its workforce

Danish startup Pleo, a developer of expense management tools aimed at SMBs to let them issue company cards and better manage how employees spend money, has picked up a large…

Pleo picks up $200M at a $4.7B valuation to build the next generation of business expense management

Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture-capital-focused podcast where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. This is Equity Monday Tuesday, our weekly kickoff that…

Didi gets hit by Chinese government, and Pleo raises $150M

Whether you are part of the accounting department, or just any employee at an organization, managing expenses can be a time-consuming and error-filled, yet also quite mundane, part of your…

Pleo raises $150M at a $1.7B valuation for its new approach to managing expenses for SMBs

Late-stage fintech startup Pleo, which offers expense management tools and “smart” company Mastercards, says it plans to raise a Series C round of funding this summer. It’s also launching a…

Expenses startup Pleo preps $100M Series C funding, launches new bill payments service

When three former employees of Revolut founded Flux in 2016, the mission was clear: build a platform to bridge the gap between the itemised receipt data captured by a merchant’s…

Flux and Pleo partner to bring itemised digital receipts to Pleo’s ‘smart’ expense cards

Pleo, the Danish fintech that offers a “business spending platform” that lets companies easily issue employees with cards and manage expenditure, has raised a hefty $56 million in Series B…

Pleo, the multi-card business spending platform, closes $56M Series B

After many long months of waiting, the Ple0rb (Pleo Reborn, I guess they’re trying to say) is ready to ship. If you recall, the Pleo was the fun little dinosaur…

The new Pleo dinosaur, called the Pleo RB or Pleo Reborn, has been spotted in Hong Kong. This beast cost $500 at a Hong Kong toy show and features touch…


Vote to choose the next Pleo color

Here’s your chance to change history, and influence the future. The makers of the Pleo are holding a vote to decide exactly what color the new Pleo should be when…


Pet dinosaurs for everyone! Pleo is back!

Seriously, who doesn’t want a pet dinosaur? Sure, Jurassic Park makes it seem all dangerous and life-threatening and such. Would you really let that stop you? I think not. But…

Wow. You guys wanted a Pleo. When we offered you one a few days ago I didn’t realize 707 people would comment wildly in hopes of winning a little green…


Bringing Pleo back

Jetta Company Limited has decided to re-launch the Pleo and will continue to manufacture the clever little dinosaur including its battery and charger accessories. Jetta bought the Ugobe IP on…

The first real casualty of the economic crisis has emerged, and it’s a lovable robotic dinosaur. Decreased demand for expensive toys has left Pleo’s creator, Ugobe, wallowing in debt. As…


DIY: Control your Pleo with a Wii

Got a boring weekend ahead? Nothing going on? No friends? Chances are you probably have a Pleo and a Wii then. If so, how about rigging up the Pleo for…


Pleo goes to the Spa

Yeah, this kind of looks like it’s going to go all Skinemax but luckily they just pamper this Pleo at a day spa reminding us that anthropomorphizing little robots is…


Pleo destroyed by a Combot

This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. Since getting a Pleo a few months ago, we’ve basically given the bugger a name and gotten to know its personality. To…

Oh Pleo, you’re the best almost-real dinosaur friend a guy and/or gal could ever have. Just in time for St. Valentine’s Day comes a new behavior download for your Pleo…


Pleo, what have they done to you?

The uber dorks have ported an AIBO tool over to the Pleo so you can make it do wretched things to satisfy your weird taste. Poor Ferbie. Robots Rule


Pleo and kids

Yeah, I know it’s an annoying GIF, right? I never got into the whole Aibo/Pleo/Robosapien thing but TC headquarters just sent me a Pleo to talk about for the Crunchies…


Pleo dies for our sins

Pleo, everyone’s favorite animatronic dinosaur, has been completely disassembled by iFixIt, leading to a rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth up and down the “cuteness corridor” that runs from…


Pleo dies

Ugobe, into your hands I commend my spirit. It is finished. This big nasty men at DVICE posted a video of them abusing and eventually killing their Pleo dinosaur. The…

Pleo is a new $350 ‘life form’ dinosaur robot created by Ugobe. Unlike all the robot dinosaurs I know (e.g. the WowWee Roboraptor), the Pleo is not remote-controlled. It’s ‘self-aware’.…


Pleo in action

Awwww! So cute! Too bad when it grows up it will chew off our faces. via RobotsRule


Pleo as a lamb

Pleo is a little robotic dinosaur by UGOBE that responds to touch, light, and sound. Well, the folks at UGOBE decided to wrap it in fur and see if it…


Pleo Now Available For US Pre-order

Everyone’s favorite animatronic dinosaur is now one step closer to invading our shores. Pleo’s manufacturer UGOBE is taking pre-orders for the dinosaur and the price isn’t cheap. After earlier reports…