
From its prominence in the tech world, you might think that everyone on the planet is using ChatGPT or some other AI tool for everything from automating their job to…

Survey finds relatively few Americans actually use (or fear) ChatGPT

It’s always a sticky business predicting what’s going to happen in tech, because who knows what’s going on behind the scenes or what’s coming next.

AWS will buy a SaaS company, and other 2022 enterprise predictions

A new report from Pew Research finds that around a third of U.S. adults continue to get their news regularly from Facebook, though the exact percentage has slipped from 36%…

Study finds half of Americans get news on social media, but percentage has dropped

Around a quarter of U.S. adults, or roughly 26%, say they get news by watching YouTube videos, according to a new study from Pew Research Center, which examined the Google-owned…

A quarter of US adults now get news from YouTube, Pew Research study finds

A new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center shows a COVID-19 information divide between people who mostly get their news from social networks and those who rely on more…

People who mostly get news from social networks have some COVID-19 misconceptions

Dating app usage in the U.S. is on the rise, but so are the issues it brings. According to a new Pew Research Center report on online dating, out today,…

Pew: 30% of US adults have used online dating; 12% found a committed relationship from it

It’s not true that everyone gets their news from Facebook and Twitter. But it is now true that more U.S. adults get their news from social media than from print…

Pew: Social media for the first time tops newspapers as a news source for US adults

Featured Article

Pew: A majority of U.S. teens are bullied online

A majority of U.S. teens have been subject to online abuse, according to a new study from Pew Research Center, out this morning. Specifically, that means they’ve experienced at least one of a half-dozen types of online cyberbullying, including name-calling, being subject to false rumors, receiving explicit images they didn’t…

Pew: A majority of U.S. teens are bullied online

Ahead of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testifying before Congress later today, where she will be questioned alongside Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey as US lawmakers wrestle with how to regulate social media…

Facebook users becoming more cautious and critical, says Pew

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s (so far) five-year project to expand access to the Internet in emerging markets makes plenty of business sense when you look at the latest report by the Pew Research…

Pew: Social media still growing in emerging markets but stalled elsewhere

New research by Pew suggests there has been another increase in the proportion of U.S. adults getting news via social media platforms.

Even more US adults now getting news from social media, says Pew

Well, great news for all those media publishers investing in video in hopes of better catering to young adults: a new study released this week from the Pew Research Center found that younger…

Pew: younger people actually prefer reading the news to watching it

If you’re wondering which demographic is driving usage of ride hailing apps in the U.S., new research by Pew suggests it’s very much young people who have their foot on…

Pew study finds younger adults driving growth of ride-hailing apps

Humans are nothing if not contrary. Technology destroying jobs is something most Americans accept will happen within their lifetimes, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center, just…

Americans think most human jobs could be automated by 2065, finds Pew

Pew Research Center has released a study on the dispute between the FBI and Apple. Fifty-one percent of Americans think Apple should assist the FBI and unlock the iPhone 5c…

Most Americans Support FBI Over Apple, Finds Pew

Call it the Tinder effect: in the past two years use of online dating has surged among the youngest U.S. adults, according to a new study by the Pew Research…

Online Dating Use Jumps Among Youngest US Adults And The Middle Aged, Finds Pew

U.S. users of Twitter and Facebook are increasingly getting external news via the two services, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. “The share of Americans for…

Pew: Twitter And Facebook Users Being Exposed To More News

The disconnect between American citizens’ desire for privacy and the actions of the U.S. government — and big technology companies — continues. A new survey by the Pew Research Center…

Another Pew Privacy Report Flags Huge Public Mistrust

The Pew Research Center has published a new study into Americans’ attitudes to privacy in the digital age. One stat that really stands out is how overwhelmingly U.S. consumers believe…

Pew Privacy Study Finds Huge Concern About Control Of Personal Data Online

Behind every great social media platform stands millions of great women. And boy do they love their smartphones! According to research compiled by FinanceOnline, which was taken from PEW, Nielsen,…

Who Runs The (Social Media) World? Girls.

Facebook has turned 10 which is a very ancient age indeed for any digital service considering the blistering pace of technological change. To mark Zuck’s baby’s tenth Birthday, the Pew…

Pew: Facebook Aged 10 Is Seeing Adult Usage “Intensifying”; 57% Of Adults Are Users, 64% Visit Daily

Facebook may be currently facing question marks over how well it’s faring with younger users, but among those over 18 in the U.S. it remains the social network king. According…

73% Of U.S. Adults Use Social Networks, Pinterest Passes Twitter In Popularity, Facebook Stays On Top

The Pew Research Center is today releasing comparative numbers looking at how U.S. adults use social networking sites to read news (a follow-on from earlier research focusing on two specific…

Pew Social Media Study: 30% Of The U.S. Gets News Via Facebook; Reddit Has The Most News-Hungry Regular Users

Five percent of Americans have resisted the siren song of cat listicles and hashtags. Specifically, they think the Internet is “irrelevant,” to use words of Pew, which just released a…

Pew: 15% Of Americans Don’t Have Internet. 5% Think It’s Irrelevant.

In one of the latest developments in the fallout of the PRISM story, the ACLU is currently suing four officials in the Obama Administration to try to get federal courts…

Pew: 86% Of U.S. Adults Make Efforts To Hide Digital Footprints Online; Fear Of Creeping Ads And Hackers Outweighs Spying

As Facebook teams up with other tech titans to put more effort into ubiquitous internet access worldwide, Pew Research is today is releasing the results of a survey that shows…

Pew: 30% Of U.S. Adults Don’t Have Broadband; 10% Use Smartphones As Sole Internet Access; 20% Have Zilch

In a post explaining why he thinks Google shuttered Google Reader, Marco Arment calls Google, Facebook, and Twitter “by far the three most important web players today” when it comes…

Pew: Reddit Used By 6% Of U.S. Online Adults, Putting It On Par With Tumblr, But Far Behind Facebook

Facebook is far and away the dominant social networking service in the U.S. — used by two-thirds of online Americans, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. But…

Pew Study Finds Two-Thirds Of Facebook Users Have Taken A Multi-Week Break, 27% Plan To Reduce Time On The Site In 2013

The Pew Center has been running a long-term study on U.S. consumer habits on the Internet and  other digital media (you can read about past findings here); today it’s releasing a…

Pew: Social Networking Most Popular In The UK, And Despite The Smartphone App Boom, Voice Calls Remain King

U.S. parents are worried about the reputational damage of their teens’ online activities, according to a new report by the Pew Internet Project and the Berkman Center for Internet &…

Pew: U.S. Parents Of Online Teens Worried About Reputational Damage Of Online Activity And What Advertisers Know About Their Kids