online security

The U.K. government has tabled an amendment to the Online Safety Bill that could put it on a collision course with end-to-end encryption. It’s proposing to give the incoming internet…

UK could force E2E encrypted platforms to do CSAM-scanning

Getting hacked sucks. It’s even worse if you’re a digital creator whose social media accounts literally pay your bills. When creators get hacked, it can mean that they aren’t able…

Notch will sell you insurance in case your Instagram gets hacked

Our reliance on internet-based services is at an all-time high these days, and that’s brought a new focus on how well we are protected when we go online. Today comes…

Dashlane taps JD Sherman, ex-Hubspot COO, as new CEO, as co-founder Emmanuel Schalit steps aside

Mergers and acquisitions largely grinded to a halt at the end of March, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic spreading around the world, but today comes news of a…

German security firm Avira has been acquired by Investcorp at a $180M valuation

The UK Court of Appeal has unanimously overturned a block on a class-action style lawsuit brought on behalf of four million iPhone users against Google — meaning the case can…

UK privacy ‘class action’ complaint against Google gets unblocked

Opera had a couple of tumultuous years behind it, but it looks like the Norwegian browser maker (now in the hands of a Chinese consortium) is finding its stride again…

Opera’s VPN returns to its Android browser

Thailand’s government passed a controversial cybersecurity bill today that has been criticized for vagueness and the potential to enable sweeping access to internet user data. The bill (available in Thai)…

Thailand passes controversial cybersecurity law that could enable government surveillance

The “below the belt selfie” media circus surrounding Jeff Bezos has made encrypted communications top of mind among nervous executive handlers.

What business leaders can learn from Jeff Bezos’ leaked texts

Dashlane, the New York startup that provides a platform for users to manage their passwords and online identities across multiple sites and apps, has raised a further $22.5 million in…

Password management startup Dashlane, now with 5M users, raises $22.5M led by TransUnion

PayPal — soon to be spinning off from parent company eBay — today confirmed its latest acquisition and move to build out its payment technology as a standalone business, and…

PayPal Doubles Down On Israel: Confirms CyActive Acquisition, New Security Hub