NetBox Labs, a new open source startup spun out of VC-backed network automation company NS1 back in January, today announced it has raised $20 million in a Series A round…

After spinning out of IBM-acquisition NS1, open source startup NetBox Labs raises $20M

One of the great things about editing all of our deep-dive EC-1 startup profiles is that you start to notice patterns across successful companies. While origin stories and trajectories can…

Why did file sharing drive so much startup innovation?

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The NS1 EC-1

There are excruciatingly high stakes for software today. Trillions of dollars of market cap, billions of consumers, hundreds of billions of revenue, and limitless hours of usage are dependent on software working in real time, all the time, without downtime. As the sophistication of software delivery has increased, every layer…

The NS1 EC-1

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1 napkin and 22 lines of code, or how NS1 rewrote the rules of internet infrastructure

Kris Beevers, John Sullivan and Alex Vayl wanted to rebuild the core addressing system of the internet and transform it from a cost center into a critical tool for software reliability and cost savings.

1 napkin and 22 lines of code, or how NS1 rewrote the rules of internet infrastructure

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WTF is NS1? It’s DNS, DDI, and maybe other TLAs

NS1 looks at DNS differently from the competition: It doesn’t consider it as just a conduit to connect traffic; instead, DNS is treated as a routing system that can direct traffic very effectively.

WTF is NS1? It’s DNS, DDI, and maybe other TLAs

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The fight for the future of DNS is white hot

Since its inception, one of the toughest challenges NS1 has faced is the simple fact that DNS is a mature market category with venerable and well-established incumbents.

The fight for the future of DNS is white hot

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Outages, pandemics and the reengineering of traffic on the internet

Sales in enterprise infrastructure is all about meeting a customer’s requirements. But what happens if customers don’t even realize they need a startup’s product in the first place?

Outages, pandemics and the reengineering of traffic on the internet

Apparently, the internet is still popular. With the novel coronavirus marooning people at home for work and play, those “tubes” carrying our data back and forth have become ever more…

NS1 nets $40M ‘true coronavirus fundraise’ amidst surging customer demand

When you think about critical infrastructure, DNS or domain naming services might not pop into your head, but what is more important than making sure your website opens quickly and…

NS1 brings domain name services to the enterprise