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MongoDB CEO Dev Ittycheria talks AI hype and the database evolution as he crosses 10-year mark

A lot has happened since Dev Ittycheria took the reins at MongoDB, the $26 billion database company he’s led as president and CEO since September 2014. Ittycheria has taken MongoDB to the cloud, steered it through an IPO, overseen its transition from open source, launched a venture capital arm, and…

MongoDB CEO Dev Ittycheria talks AI hype and the database evolution as he crosses 10-year mark

Database management giant MongoDB says it’s investigating a security incident that has resulted in the exposure of some information about customers. The New York-based MongoDB helps more than 46,000 companies,…

MongoDB investigating security incident that exposed data about customer accounts

Between open source and cloud-hosted, more proprietary solutions, there’s an abundance of AI-powered code-generating tools to choose from. So how does one choose? That’s a nuanced question. Beyond stronger performance…

Amazon’s code-generating tool gets MongoDB-specific upgrades

At its MongoDB.local NYC event, MongoDB today announced a slew of product releases and updates. Given the company’s focus on its fully managed Atlas service, it’s no surprise that the…

MongoDB readies its Atlas database service for new workloads

We’re nearly at the stopping point ahead of a long weekend here in the United States, but that doesn’t mean that the tech market has given up on making news.…

Why software stocks got hammered today

Data quality has been shaping up as a salient and increasingly critical part of the world of data science: Enterprises are sitting on growing troves of information, but it’s only…

Validio, a data quality platform based out of Sweden, emerges from stealth with $15M

At its annual MongoDB World conference, MongoDB today announced a series of updates to its eponymous database, including the addition of querying encrypted data without having to decrypt it first,…

MongoDB puts a spotlight on its developer data platform

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Investors have flipped their weighting of growth versus profitability

Battery’s new report, The Cloud Quarterly, provides insights on what type of public SaaS companies have seen their valuation take a hit or resist in recent months and what they have in common.

Investors have flipped their weighting of growth versus profitability

As you may have heard, tech companies are having a bit of a whoopsie.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Construction tech survey, founder-CEO friction, diversify your cap table

How a founder and a CEO work through points of tension could help determine the ultimate success of a company.

For better or for worse: Managing founder-CEO tension inside a startup

When it comes to building databases and other backend software development, different organizations and developers do not always speak the same language. Today a startup called Prisma that’s built a…

Prisma raises $40M for its open source ‘Rosetta Stone’ for database languages

As the tech world inches a closer to the idea of artificial general intelligence, we’re seeing another interesting theme emerging in the ongoing democratization of AI: a wave of startups…

Baseten nabs $20M to make it easier to build machine learning-based applications

The fundamental disconnect: Software-enabled businesses don’t necessarily monetize the same way that software businesses do.

What Glossier got wrong

There’s a new alliance in town: the Data Cloud Alliance. Founded by Google Cloud, Accenture, Confluent, Databricks, Dataiku, Deloitte, Elastic, Fivetran, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis and Starburst, the group’s mission is…

Google, Databricks, Fivetran, Redis and others launch the Data Cloud Alliance

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With capital aplenty, modern corporate investors marry financial and strategic goals

We put questions to Arjun Kapur of Comcast’s Forecast Labs, Andrés Saborido of Telefónica’s Wayra, and Serge Tanjga of MongoDB’s venture arm to learn more about the CVC market.

With capital aplenty, modern corporate investors marry financial and strategic goals

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Corporations are scrambling to get into the venture game

New data from CB Insights makes it clear that 2021 was a colossal year for corporate venture capital.

Corporations are scrambling to get into the venture game

It’s a familiar problem to anyone following the category. Investors and companies are largely on the same page when it comes to robotics and automation — such technologies are going…

MongoDB’s co-founder is trying to universalize robotic deployment

DevOps cloud platform Render, which won our Disrupt SF 2019 Startup Battlefield, announced today that it closed a $20 million Series A funding round led by Addition alongside existing investors…

Render secures $20M Series A to scale its DevOps cloud platform

Ethyca, the privacy-by-design technology startup that has built a unique set of APIs, detection tools and analytics to make it easier for organizations to adhere to data privacy policies like…

Ethyca raises $7.5M, open sources Fides for developers to build privacy tools directly into their codebases

Battery Ventures’ State of the OpenCloud report provides a set of data points that pretty clearly outline the accelerated growth of cloud services in recent quarters.

We’re still just scratching the surface of the cloud’s potential

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Scaling CockroachDB in the red ocean of relational databases

CockroachDB’s success is not guaranteed. It has to overcome significant hurdles to secure a profitable place among well-established database technologies owned by companies with very deep pockets.

Scaling CockroachDB in the red ocean of relational databases

“The chasm,” a difficult transitional period from visionary early adopters to mainstream customers has been one of the canonical foundational concepts to product-market fit for the past three decades.

After 30 years, ‘Crossing the Chasm’ is due for a refresh

At its Ignite conference today, Microsoft announced the launch of Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra, its latest NoSQL database offering and a competitor to Cassandra-centric companies like Datastax. Microsoft…

Microsoft Azure expands its NoSQL portfolio with Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra

Better late than never. So it might be said of the Boston and New York-based seed-stage firm Flybridge, which is today announcing that Anna Palmer has joined as general partner.…

Anna Palmer just became the first female general partner at Flybridge

For years, founders and investors in China had little interest in open-source software because it did not seem like the most viable business model. Zilliz‘s latest financing round shows that…

Zilliz raises $43 million as investors rush to China’s open-source software, a cloud-native application and data management solution with enterprise customers like USAA, Sabre, SAP, Palo Alto Networks and Rakuten Mobile, today announced the launch of its new free(-mium) version… launches a free version of its cloud-native Kubernetes storage solution

As people continue to work and study from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in edge computing has increased. Macrometa, a Palo Alto-based startup that provides edge computing infrastructure…

Macrometa, an edge computing service for app developers, lands $7 million seed round led by DNX

PopSQL, a startup that builds a collaborative SQL editor for teams, today announced that it has raised a $3.4 million seed round led by Google’s AI-focused Gradient Ventures fund. Other…

PopSQL raises a $3.4M seed round for its collaborative SQL editor

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What happens when public SaaS companies don’t meet heightened investor expectations?

Late last week we discussed how, this deep into the earnings cycle, it appeared that public SaaS and cloud companies had largely made it through the Q2 gauntlet unscathed. Sure, through last week there was a report or two that wasn’t stellar, but by and large the results had been…

What happens when public SaaS companies don’t meet heightened investor expectations?

“Yes.” That was Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian’s simple answer when I asked if he thought he’d achieved what he set out to do in his first year. A year…

Thomas Kurian on his first year as Google Cloud CEO