
Intel’s second bite at the smartphone market has been more akin to a gentle nibbling around the edges. At the end of last year the chipmaker teased a smartphone reference…

Intel Confirms Medfield x86 Chips Don’t Support LTE Yet — But Says It Won’t Be Long Coming

Motorola and Intel have been in cahoots since this past January, but so far their relationship hasn’t yielded any new gadgets to lust after. That should all change very shortly…

Motorola And Intel May (Officially) Reveal Medfield-Powered Smartphone On 9/18

“If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” It looks like LG and Intel have taken that old adage to heart, if a new report is to be believed.…

LG To Debut Second Intel-Powered Smartphone At CES 2012

By this time next year, the line between netbooks, UMPCs, handhelds, palmtops, netblets, MIDs, and whichever other portable internet doodads you can think of might get all the more blurry…