
Sandwiched between rows of warehouses in the South Boston Waterfront, MassRobotics serves as both an incubator and import hub for the city’s vibrant robotics community. Soon, it will add accelerator…

MassRobotics is launching an accelerator

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Let’s work together

There are about four duck boats lined up directly across the street from this coffee shop. Boston has a knack for reminding you where you are, should you get bonked on the head and suddenly forget what city you’re in. This is a far more truncated visit than the last…

Let’s work together

Featured Article

Critical mass

Greetings from…somewhere. As I mentioned the other week, I’m taking a few weeks off. It’s the first time off I’ve had this year and the most consecutive days I’ve taken off in 15+ years of being a tech journalist. It’s been a hard/weird last few years, and burnout has a…

Critical mass

Featured Article

Scene Report: Boston

What surprised me most on returning to Boston* for the first time since the onset of the pandemic was just how clustered things are. I’m not a great scheduler and I don’t know the city’s geography particularly well, but after two days spent meeting with more than a dozen startups,…

Scene Report: Boston

Featured Article

Here’s everything you missed at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

In case you missed it, robots took over TechCrunch on Thursday, July 21. We played host to the robotic industry’s leading startups, researchers and academics at TC Sessions: Robotics. The event was a blockbuster success, and we hope you enjoyed the show. All the features, panels, interviews and podcasts are…

Here’s everything you missed at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

A lot of promising companies come out of work by researchers at universities, or even grad students who have struck on some new innovation. But the transition from tech-focused research…

Robotics and AI are going from cage to stage

It’s a long road taking an idea from the R&D stage in a lab to successful commercialization, especially when you’re talking about technologies as complex and costly as robotics and…

Covariant, MassRobotics and The Engine discuss the road from lab to market at TC Sessions: Robotics

AWS launches new robotics programs

To kick off re:Invent, AWS’s flagship conference, the cloud computing giant today announced IoT RoboRunner, a new service for building applications that help large fleets of robots work together. This…

AWS launches new robotics programs

Just like NYC’s flooded subway system, internet infrastructure doesn’t attract much attention until there’s a notable failure.

Extra Crunch roundup: NS1 EC-1, Pakistan’s tech ecosystem, SPACs bonanza

We’re gearing up for another great TC Sessions: Robotics+AI March 3 at UC Berkeley, and we’ve got some big names to announce. Last week, it was AI expert Stuart Russell, and…

Amazon Robotics head Tye Brady will be speaking at TC Sessions: Robotics+AI 2020 at UC Berkeley

If you’re building drones, personal delivery vehicles or robots that can perform surgery, a desk in a coworking community like WeWork or RocketSpace probably won’t be enough for you. Now, the city…

Boston’s new hub, MassRobotics, is like a WeWork for robotics startups