
Video game giant Activision is investigating a hacking campaign that’s targeting players with the goal of stealing their credentials, TechCrunch has learned. At this point, the hackers’ specific goals —…

Activision investigating password-stealing malware targeting game players

Apple has released security updates for iPhones, iPads and Macs to patch against two vulnerabilities, which the company says are being actively exploited to hack people. The technology giant rolled…

Apple releases security updates for iOS, iPadOS and macOS, fixing two actively exploited zero-days

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Children’s tablet has malware and exposes kids’ data, researcher finds

In May this year, Alexis Hancock’s daughter got a children’s tablet for her birthday. Being a security researcher, Hancock was immediately worried. “I looked at it kind of sideways because I’ve never heard of Dragon Touch,” Hancock told TechCrunch, referring to the tablet’s maker. As it turned out, Hancock, who…

Children’s tablet has malware and exposes kids’ data, researcher finds

The hackers behind Qakbot, a notorious malware operation that was recently “dismantled” by the FBI, are still active and continue to target new victims, researchers say. The FBI announced in…

Qakbot hackers are still spamming victims despite FBI takedown

India has warned its citizens of an advanced malware targeting Android users, capable of accessing sensitive data and allowing hackers control over infected devices. The Controller General of Defence Accounts,…

India warns of malware attacks targeting its Android users

Featured Article

How the FBI took down the notorious Qakbot botnet

A global law enforcement operation this week took down and dismantled the notorious Qakbot botnet, touted as the largest U.S.-led financial and technical disruption of a botnet infrastructure. Qakbot is a banking trojan that became infamous for providing an initial foothold on a victim’s network for other hackers to buy…

How the FBI took down the notorious Qakbot botnet

A U.S. government operation has dismantled the infrastructure of the notorious Qakbot malware, which officials say caused “hundreds of millions” of dollars of damage worldwide. In an announcement on Tuesday,…

FBI operation tricked thousands of computers infected by Qakbot into uninstalling the malware

Israel’s National Cybersecurity Directorate said there was “no breach” of its network after passwords belonging to a senior agency official were stolen from their home computer earlier this year and…

Israel cybersecurity agency says no breach after senior official self-infects home PC with malware

For around a month, hackers have been infecting players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with a self-spreading malware, also known as a worm. To do that, the hackers…

Call of Duty worm malware used to hack players exploits years-old bug

Hackers are infecting players of an old Call of Duty game with a worm that spreads automatically in online lobbies, according to two analyses of the malware. On June 26,…

Hackers are infecting Call of Duty players with a self-spreading malware

The Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky said that hackers working for a government targeted several dozen employees’ iPhones with unknown malware. On Thursday, Kaspersky announced the alleged cyberattack and published a…

Kaspersky says attackers hacked staff iPhones with unknown malware

Security researchers have discovered new industrial control system malware, dubbed “CosmicEnergy,” which they say could be used to disrupt critical infrastructure systems and electric grids. The malware was uncovered by…

Researchers uncover Russia-linked malware that could immobilize electric grids

AllWinner and RockChip might not be household names, but the two China-based companies power several wildly popular Android TV boxes that are sold on Amazon. These Android-powered television set-top boxes…

Popular Android TV boxes sold on Amazon are laced with malware

Hackers have installed password-stealing malware on the devices of multiple Worldcoin Orb operators, TechCrunch has learned, giving them full access to the Worldcoin operator dashboard. Worldcoin, founded by Sam Altman,…

Hackers stole passwords of Worldcoin Orb operators

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How the US dismantled a malware network used by Russian spies to steal government secrets

The U.S. government said it has disrupted a long-running Russian cyber espionage campaign that stole sensitive information from the U.S. and NATO governments, an operation that took the feds almost 20 years. The Justice Department announced on Tuesday that an FBI operation successfully dismantled the “Snake” malware network used by…

How the US dismantled a malware network used by Russian spies to steal government secrets

Sketchy Facebook pages impersonating businesses are nothing new, but a flurry of recent scams is particularly brazen. A handful of verified Facebook pages were hacked recently and spotted slinging likely…

Hacked verified Facebook pages impersonating Meta are buying ads from Meta

As public interest in generative AI chatbots grows, hackers are increasingly using ChatGPT-themed lures to spread malware across Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. That’s according to Facebook’s parent company Meta, which…

Hackers are increasingly using ChatGPT lures to spread malware on Facebook

Google has disrupted infrastructure linked to the notorious CryptBot malware, which the company claims has stolen data from hundreds of thousands of browser users in the past year alone. CryptBot…

Google disrupts malware that steals sensitive data from Chrome users

APT28, a state-sponsored hacking group operated by Russian military intelligence, is exploiting a six-year-old vulnerability in Cisco routers to deploy malware and carry out surveillance, according to the U.S. and…

Russian hackers exploit six-year-old Cisco flaw to target US government agencies

Last year, Apple launched a new feature for iPhone users who are worried about getting targeted with sophisticated spyware, such as journalists or human rights defenders. Now, researchers say they…

Apple’s high security mode blocked NSO spyware, researchers say

Several apps made by Chinese e-commerce giant Pinduoduo were flagged as malicious and dangerous by Google.

Google flags apps made by popular Chinese e-commerce giant as malware

On Thursday, the U.S. government announced that it had seized a website used to sell malware designed to spy on computers and cellphones. The malware is called NetWire, and for…

How the FBI proved a remote admin tool was actually malware

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Digital rights defenders infiltrate alleged mercenary hacking group

Cooper Quintin has been tracking the activities of a cyber mercenary group called Dark Caracal for years. On July 28, 2022, he said he discovered traces of a new ongoing hacking campaign by the group in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. While he was analyzing the domains that the hackers…

Digital rights defenders infiltrate alleged mercenary hacking group

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Is ChatGPT a cybersecurity threat?

Since its debut in November, ChatGPT has become the internet’s new favorite plaything. The AI-driven natural language processing tool rapidly amassed more than 1 million users, who have used the web-based chatbot for everything from generating wedding speeches and hip-hop lyrics to crafting academic essays and writing computer code. Not…

Is ChatGPT a cybersecurity threat?

North Korean state-sponsored hackers exploited a previously unknown zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer to target South Korean users with malware, according to Google’s Threat Analysis Group. Google researchers first discovered…

North Korean hackers exploited Internet Explorer zero-day to spread malware

A security research and hacking startup says it has found a coding flaw that allows it to lock out operators of the Mars Stealer malware from their own servers and…

Hackers are locking out Mars Stealer operators from their own servers

A cybercriminal group has compromised a media content provider to deploy malware on the websites of hundreds of news outlets in the U.S., according to cybersecurity company Proofpoint. The threat…

Crime group hijacks hundreds of US news websites to push malware

U.S. officials have charged a Ukrainian national over his alleged role in the Raccoon Infostealer malware-as-a-service operation that infected millions of computers worldwide. Mark Sokolovsky — also known online as…

US charges Ukrainian national over alleged role in Raccoon Infostealer malware operation

Victims of the LockerGoga ransomware can now recover their stolen files for free, thanks to a new decryptor released by Romanian cybersecurity firm Bitdefender and the NoMoreRansom Initiative. The LockerGoga…

LockerGoga ransomware victims can now recover their files for free

A security researcher known for devising inventive ways to siphon data from computers that are disconnected from the internet has found a new exploit able to exfiltrate data to a…

An experimental new attack can steal data from air-gapped computers using a phone’s gyroscope