machine translation


The two faces of AI

We all make mistakes. But sometimes we forget that technology does, too — especially when it comes to AI, which is still in its early days in many respects.

The two faces of AI

In addition to improving Google Assistant’s ability to communicate with users in a more natural way, Google today announced improvements to its Google Translate service. The company said it’s adding…

Google Translate adds 24 new languages, including its first indigenous languages of the Americas

Jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny has called on tech giants Google and Meta/Facebook to help circumvent Putin’s grip on the media and get information out to ordinary Russians about what’s…

Kremlin critic Navalny calls for Google and Meta to turn their adtech into an anti-war weapon

Most startups and scaleups are used to fast-paced resourcing and R&D cycles designed specifically for product development. However, there is no rushing academic-style research.

Can your startup support a research-based workflow?

Interactio, a remote interpretation platform whose customers include massive institutions like the United Nations, European Commission and Parliament along with corporates like BMW, JP Morgan and Microsoft, has closed a…

Interactio, a remote interpretation platform, grabs $30M after seeing 12x growth during COVID-19

Most people who use AI-powered translation tools do so for commonplace, relatively unimportant tasks like understanding a single phrase or quote. Those basic services won’t do for an enterprise offering…

With AI translation service that rivals professionals, Lengoo attracts new $20M round

The benefits of machine translation are easy to see and experience for ourselves, but those practical applications are only one part of what makes the technology valuable. Microsoft and the…

Microsoft adds Māori to translator as New Zealand pushes to revitalize the language

Google is launching a number of updates to its G Suite tools today that, among other things, brings to Google Docs an AI grammar checker, smarter spellchecking and, soon, spelling…

G Suite users get more AI writing help, Google Assistant calendar integration and more

Unbabel, a Lisbon-based startup that’s built a platform for translating customer service messages at scale by combining the speed of machine translation with native (human) speaker nuance and expertise, has…

Unbabel gets $60M for its blended approach to business translation

Every day we creep a little closer to Douglas Adams’ famous and prescient babelfish. A new research project from Google takes spoken sentences in one language and outputs spoken words…

Google’s Translatotron converts one spoken language to another, no text involved

If it feels like technological change is happening faster than it used to, that’s because it is.

Ten steps to prepare for an exponential future

Featured Article

Lilt is building a machine translation business with humans at the core

The ability to quickly and automatically translate anything you see using a web service is a powerful one, yet few expect much from it other than a tolerable version of a foreign article, menu, or street sign. Shouldn’t this amazing tool be put to better use? It can be, and…

Lilt is building a machine translation business with humans at the core

The Internet is of course amazing if you want to send messages across borders. But different languages can still put a wrinkle in your conversational flow, even with all the…

SwiftKey on Android now has two-way translation baked in. Qué bien

You probably don’t want to make grammar errors in your emails (or blog posts), but every now and then, they do slip in. Your standard spell-checking tool won’t catch them…

Google Docs gets an AI grammar checker

Machine translation of foreign languages is undoubtedly a very useful thing, but if you’re going for anything more than directions or recommendations for lunch, its shallowness is a real barrier.…

Judge says ‘literal but nonsensical’ Google translation isn’t consent for police search

A team of Microsoft researchers announced on Wednesday they’ve created the first machine translation system that’s capable of translating news articles from Chinese to English with the same accuracy as…

Microsoft announces breakthrough in Chinese-to-English machine translation

Artificial intelligence-powered translation is becoming an increasingly crowded category, with Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook all working on their own services. But tech still isn’t a match for professional human…

Flitto’s language data helps machine translation systems get more accurate

Deepgram, a startup applying machine learning to audio data, is releasing its machine transcription platform this morning for free. No more will you have to pay for other services like…

Deepgram opens up its machine transcription platform to everyone

Facebook announced this morning that it had completed its move to neural machine translation — a complicated way of saying that Facebook is now using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and…

Facebook finishes its move to neural machine translation

Google’s brain team is open sourcing Tensor2Tensor, a new deep learning library designed to help researchers replicate results from recent papers in the field and push the boundaries of what’s…

Google’s Tensor2Tensor makes it easier to conduct deep learning experiments

In its latest paper, the Facebook AI Research (FAIR) team dropped some impressive results for its implementation of a modified convolutional neural network for machine translation. And to complement its…

Facebook posts its fast and accurate ConvNet models for machine translation on GitHub

eBay’s focus on international expansion continues: yesterday its PayPal division announced PassPort, aimed at attracting more international sales, and today eBay is announcing the acquisition of machine translation technology from a…

eBay Acquires Machine Translation Capabilities From AppTek To Help Expand International Sales

Today, you can be anywhere in the world in a matter of clicks. Thanks to globalization and the plucky old Information Superhighway, our world is shrinking. Inquisitive globetrotters can pop…

Unbabel Launches A Human-Edited Machine Translation Service To Help Businesses Go Global, Localize Customer Support