
‘Astroturfing’ and other non-transparent lobbying tactics used to target digital policymakers in the European Union in recent years — including during a blitz of spending aimed at influencing major new…

EU lawmakers launch tips hotline to catch Big Tech’s ‘shady’ lobbying

A new report has peeled back the curtain on big tech’s frenzied lobbying of European Union lawmakers as they finalize a major series of updates to the bloc’s digital rulebook.…

Report reveals Big Tech’s last minute lobbying to weaken EU rules

In a formalization of an earlier Twitter-led push to try to exert influence over fast-forming European digital regulations, the social media firm has used its Twitter Spaces platform to host…

Twitter leads call for EU lawmakers to ‘think beyond Big Tech’

Featured Article

Digging into Google’s push to freeze ePrivacy

Google has responded to allegations contained in a recently unsealed US antitrust lawsuit that it worked covertly to stall European Union privacy legislation that could have blasted a huge hole in its behaviorial advertising business. Per the US states’ suit, a couple of years after a European Commission proposal to…

Digging into Google’s push to freeze ePrivacy

The scale of the tech industry’s spending to influence the European Union’s tech policy agenda has been laid out in a report published today by Corporate Europe Observatory and LobbyControl…

US giants top tech industry’s $100M+ a year lobbying blitz in EU

Featured Article

PR pitch to Ola reveals the inner workings of UK ride-hailing politics

A UK PR firm pitching to run an account for Ola has proposed running a campaign to politicize ride-hailing as a tactic to shift regulations in its favor. The approach suggests that, despite the appearance of ride-hailing platforms taking a more conciliatory position with regulators that are now wise to…

PR pitch to Ola reveals the inner workings of UK ride-hailing politics

In a move to correct the imbalance of power between technologically sophisticated corporations and the lawmakers who regulate them, presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren is proposing that Congress reinstate the…

To curb lobbying power, Elizabeth Warren wants to reinstate the Office of Technology Assessment

Lobbying, whether we like it or not, is an effective way to enact political change. But it has historically only been available to special interest groups and corporations with hoards…

CrowdLobby wants to democratize political lobbying

The Republican tax bill is ready for the president’s signature. After forcing its second vote in two days, the bill passed the House with a vote of 224 to 201.…

Tech’s massive tax cut Christmas present from Trump just cleared Congress

Airbnb looks to be making a key strategy change with regards to its global lobbying efforts. After a failed lawsuit that made the company little progress in the state of…

Airbnb’s plan to compromise with cities as regulatory challenges pile up

The banana republic of big data

There’s a reason Americans feel dispossessed by their government. We citizens have fewer and fewer opportunities for substantive interaction with our leaders. Corporate-funded organizations and narrow interest advocacy campaigns stand…

The banana republic of big data

Documents published by a hacker using the name “Guccifer 2.0” are shedding light on ties between tech industry lobbyists and Congress. Guccifer 2.0 claims to have stolen the documents from the…

Tech industry lobbyists swept up in Guccifer 2.0 hack

Technology companies have faced years’ worth of criticism for being behind the times in dealing with political pressure. Unlike other, more old-line industries that saw regulations, taxing and spending policy…

What we can learn from Uber and Lyft’s Austin recall and initiative efforts

How many meetings has Google gained with top European Commission officials since December? According to data compiled by anti-corruption advocacy organization Transparency International’s EU office, the figure is 29 –…

Google Among Top Lobbyists Of Senior EC Officials

The U.S. government is continuing to lobby Brussels to water down plans to reform privacy legislation. The European Union’s executive and legislative bodies are in the process of reforming the…

US Government Still Leaning On Europe To Dilute Data Protection Reform Proposals

Washington DC-headquartered lobby group The Internet Association — which named its president and CEO earlier this year — has now unveiled its full membership roster and policy platform.

DC Lobby Group Internet Association Lists Full Roster Of Tech Giants And Outs Manifesto

According to filings with the Federal Election Commission, Google spent approximately $390,000 (out of $3,760,000.00 total) on SOPA and PIPA lobbying including efforts to educate lawmakers on SOPA and the…

For It Before They Were Against It: Google Spent $400K On SOPA Lobbying

Editor’s note: Guest writer Maury Litwack is a lobbyist, former Hill staffer, opinion writer and author of the recently published The Capitol Plan – A Comprehensive Washington Advocacy Strategy. TechCrunch’s…