
Google said today that it is adding support for 110 languages to its translation service. The company has used its PaLM 2 AI model to power translations. 

Google Translate adds support for 110 languages, representing 614M speakers

Today at the Google for India event, the company made several announcements focused on healthcare content on YouTube. In particular, it is testing a feature to let users switch between…

YouTube is testing a feature to let users in India watch a video in multiple languages

After raising $215 million from SoftBank to double down on the surge of interest in online learning, Kahoot has made an acquisition to expand the scope of subjects that it…

Kahoot drops $50M on Drops to add language learning to its gamified education stable

Amazon is launching multilingual mode for its Alexa-supporting devices, the company announced today at its Devices event in Seattle. The new multilingual mode will initially be available in the U.S.,…

Amazon launches multilingual mode for using Alexa in multiple languages at once

Currently, when the Google Translate apps for iOS and Android has access to the internet, its translations are far superior to those it produces when it’s offline. That’s because the…

Google brings offline neural machine translations for 59 languages to its Translate app

Language learning software has never been particularly “sexy,” nor have its makers managed to produce a bounty of memorable user experiences, for that matter. While it might not be quite…

Fast-Growing Duolingo Caps Off A Big Year With The Crunchie For “Best Education Startup”

print “Happy 25th Birthday, Perl”;

1:25 pm PST • December 18, 2012

Perl, that boon to the Linux hacker and confuser of non-monks, is 25 years old today. Larry Wall, creator of Perl, released the first version of the ahr language on…

print “Happy 25th Birthday, Perl”;

Google just announced that it has added Cherokee as Gmail’s 57th supported language. While Google has continuously expanded its language support for Gmail and its other services, this marks the…

Gmail Now Supports Cherokee, Its First Native American Tribal Language

Google, along with the rest of the Internet, may be partly responsible for how ubiquitous English has become, but Google is also trying to counterbalance that by making it easier…

Google Adds Arabizi/Arabic Translation To Its Input Tools Language Support

In Praise Of Quick And Filthy

6:00 am PDT • July 28, 2012

To paraphrase the late great David Foster Wallace, did you know that probing the seamy underbelly of software development reveals ideological strife and fanaticism on a nearly Godwin’s-law scale? Did…

In Praise Of Quick And Filthy

In response to Facebook’s ever-expanding social universe and the success of mobile-focused networks like Instagram, Dave Morin and company have turned Path into a more personal, mobile-centric social network. Most…

A Polyglot Path: Mobile Sharing App Adds 7 New Languages Including Traditional Chinese, UK English

Google, along with other major forces of our dot-com times, has played a huge part in making English the lingua franca of the Internet, but today brings news of an…

Endangered Languages Project: Google Wants To Save 3,000 Languages Under Threat (Thanks Partly To Google)

Pretty important day in the history of the World Wide Web, if not the Internet as a whole. ICANN, sorta the Internet’s regulator, will for the first time now allow…

Tamir Khason wrote an article about four years ago theorizing that there’s a direct correlation between the modern-day popularity of a particular programming language and how much facial hair the…

There’s an interesting (and somewhat long) read over on for those of you that get a little moist about declarative programming languages. Microsoft’s “Oslo” strategy, announced in October, has…


Tower of Babel Translator

11:04 am PDT • October 26, 2006

The Tower of Babel translator is a prototype translation device that functions in a completely different fashion from existing translators. Rather than having users punch in words on a keypad…