Keen On

The innovative film maker Tiffany Shlain isn’t a great fan of selfies. They are mostly two dimensional, she told me at a FutureCast salon at the AT&T Foundry in Palo…

Matthew Puttnam is exactly the kind of guy one would expect to found a nanotechnology company.

Keen On… Nanotechnology: How It Changes Everything

Bob Sutton is one of Silicon Valley’s most influential business gurus.

Keen On… Scale: How To Spread Excellence From The Few To The Many

According to Bill Rouse, the GM of Yellow Cabs of Los Angeles, riding in an Uber car is more dangerous than catching a traditional cab.

Keen On… Taxis: The Real Dangers of Riding In an Uber Car

Tara Chklovski is the founder and CEO of Iridescent, a remarkable Google funded non profit dedicated to encouraging young women’s innovation in technology.

Keen On… Iridescent: How Girls Are 3 Years Ahead Of Everyone Else In The Race To Innovate

Reggie Aggarwal, the founder and CEO of Cvent, describes himself as a “15 year overnight success”.

Keen On… Success: Why 99.9% Of Tech Companies Aren’t WhatsApp or Instagram

How do we decide what to buy? According to Itamar Simonson and Emanuel Rosen, the authors of Absolute Value: What Really Influences Customers in the Age of (Nearly) Perfect Information,…

Keen On… Absolute Value: What Really Influences Customers In The Age Of (Nearly) Perfect Information

According to Downes, the innovator’s dilemma has now been replaced by what he calls the “innovator’s nightmare”. Today’s new technology products are so much better and cheaper than legacy products…

Keen On… Big Bang Disruption: How The Innovator’s Dilemma Has Become The Innovator’s Nightmare

Despite incremental improvements, the gender bias issue in Silicon Valley remains an important one — and one that could benefit from special attention. Earlier this month, Y Combinator’s Jessica Livingston…

Keen On… Hacking Gender: How Women In Silicon Valley Can Become Jane Bond

It was one of those coincidences that social media types call serendipitous. There I was, wandering around the basement of Las Vegas’ Venetian hotel at CES, innocently minding my own…

Keen On… Slava Rubin: How Indiegogo Is Reinventing Capitalism

Keen On 2014: Apple, Apple & Apple

Having reviewed 2013 with me, Robert Scoble now turns his Google Glass eyes forward to 2014. What, I asked him, are going to be the really big deals in 2014?

Keen On 2014: Apple, Apple & Apple

It may be the holiday season, but Gavin Newsom, California’s tech savvy Lieutenant Governor, is as mad as hell. And he’s not going to take it any more. The fury…

Keen On… The 2013 Debacle: Why Gavin Newsom Says The Government Is On A Collision Course With The Future

Perhaps best known for his definitive book about Facebook, David Kirkpatrick is one of tech’s smartest and best informed writers. He now runs a media startup called Techonomy, which — through…

Keen On… Innovation: Is Silicon Valley Losing Its Mojo?

2013 has been kind to one of Silicon Valley’s most iconic characters – the blogger, tech evangelist and writer Robert Scoble. He published a well received new book, Age of…

There are, of course, many libertarians in Silicon Valley who see Washington DC as the mortal enemy of innovation. But according to Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who was appointed to the…

Keen On…Jessica Rosenworcel: Why Silicon Valley And Washington DC Can’t Live Without Each Other

Having raised over $37,000 on Kickstarter to make a TV show about the future of money, Heather Schlegel knows a thing or two about both social and financial value.

At last count, Tiffany Shlain’s massively successful new AOL short film series, The Future Starts Here, has already racked up 8.5 million views. An eight part series about life in…

The two biggest dogs in Silicon Valley are Google and Apple, and according to the writer Fred Vogelstein, they are waging a war for control of the $250 billion content…

Keen On… Apple Versus Google: The Dogfight Over A $250 Billion Industry

While Jeff Bezos’ wife, McKenzie, only gave Brad Stone’s new book about Amazon one star, most critics have been much more generous about the “engrossing” The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos…

Keen On… Amazon: What Startup Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Ever Innovative Jeff Bezos

How old is social media? Maybe we can date it from the birth of Facebook in February 2004. Or perhaps we can go back to 2002, to when Friendster was…

Keen On… Social Media: The First 2,000 Years

There are few figures more legendary in Silicon Valley than Nolan Bushnell, the Atari co-founder who gave Steve Jobs his first tech job and the guy who turned down the…

Keen On… Nolan Bushnell: How To Find The Next Steve Jobs

As a feature writer for the New York Times Magazine, Wired and many other publications, Clive Thompson is one of technology’s smartest journalists. And now Thompson has brought his considerable…

Keen On… Clive Thompson: Could Technology Really Be Making Us Smarter?

Ali Rosenthal joined Facebook back in early 2006, when it was a 50 person startup with 4 million users and she quit at the end of 2011 when it employed…

Keen On… Why MessageMe Might Be The Future Of Real-Time Communications

One the one hand, Jay Levy , as a partner in Zelkovo Ventures, is a conventional New York City tech VC with investments in promising start-ups like Fab, Klout and…

Keen On… Uproot Wine: How One New York VC Is Tipsy On Californian Sauvignon Blanc

Best-selling author James Bamford is one of the world’s leading authorities on the NSA. At Disrupt SF 2013, he spoke on a great panel about online security and afterwards I…

Keen On… The NSA: Can We Trust Silicon Valley With Our Secrets?

“Average is over”, says economist Tyler Cowen in his new book of the same name. And success and failure in a world dominated by digital technology, he says, will be…

Keen On… Smart Machines: The Next Big Thing For Smart Human Beings

If you want to learn how to promote yourself, read Dan Schwabel’s CrunchBase entry. Alternatively, you could read Schwabel’s new book (out next week), entitled, appropriately enough, Promote Yourself: The…

Keen On… Promoting Yourself: How Social Media Won’t  Help You Get A Job

Even if he hadn’t founded the Internet Archive, Brewster Kahle – the co-founder of Alexa and Thinking Machines – would still be a first-round inductee in the Internet Hall Of…

Keen On… Brewster Kahle: How The Internet Archive Is Fighting Our Orwellian Government

Washington DC based tech investor and entrepreneur Chris Schroeder is one of the smartest guys outside Silicon Valley. Formerly CEO of Healthcentral and of Washington Post & Newsweek interactive, Schroeder…

Keen On… Why Saudi Arabia Might Be The Next Silicon Valley

“The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed”, William Gibson famously said. But, with 20 billion connected devices existing by 2020, Gibson’s optimism might be misplaced. Indeed,…

Keen On… The Mobile Future: Why IT Might Not Happen