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The convicts of Silicon Valley, 2023 edition

Silicon Valley can be a place of great power and riches, but the smallest thing can bring it crashing down. From deepfaked phone calls with bankers on the line to mountains of lies that grew out of control, these once-darlings of Silicon Valley were no match for the law. Here’s…

5:05 am PST • December 28, 2023
The convicts of Silicon Valley, 2023 edition

Among the many problems with the prison system are enormous fees for things like video calls, which a handful of companies provide at grossly inflated rates. Ameelio hopes to step…

Ameelio wants to take on for-profit, prison-calling rackets after starting with free letters to inmates

The Last Mile, a coding program that first launched inside California’s San Quentin State Prison, has expanded to its first out-of-state prison. Yesterday, The Last Mile announced its plans to…

The Last Mile is launching its coding program at a women’s prison in Indiana

Samsung heir apparent is found guilty of embezzlement, Go-Jek closes a $1.2 billion round and the Google Pixel could be coming October 5th. All this on Crunch Report.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, really, that mobile phones are becoming an increasing concern among those tasked with policing prison populations. Smuggled in cellulars are being linked to all…

UK prisons can now get cellphones remotely blocked over suspected illicit use

According to documents obtained online, the owner of the website cablehack.net is facing federal charges for the sale and distribution of hacked cable modems. While he has multiple disclaimers on…

A student in Coto de Caza, California has done what each and every one of us has only dreamed of doing; he broke into his school’s computers and changed his…


Prisoners, meet the body orifice security scanner

11:00 am PST • December 21, 2007

Acronyms are fun. In light of that fact, I’m pleased and honored to tell you about the BOSS. It stands for body orifice security scanner. It’s an almost-$13,000 security chair…

I was going to go on some huge Cory Doctorow-esque rant about how being arrested for piracy is a waste of resources for law enforcement, how the fines are rediculous,…


Sex Offenders Complain About Removed PCs

9:14 am PDT • May 16, 2007

Over in Minnesota, a group of imprisoned sex offenders are pissed off because guards confiscated PCs they were using in their cells/rooms. So like any American, they took it to…


Verizon Is Going To Jail

9:46 am PST • February 9, 2007

Shame on you Verizon. First you run out on your wife, then get into a bitter battle over alimony. Now the telecom giant is going to jail for failure to…


Embattled HP Execs Charged with Felonies

10:09 am PDT • October 5, 2006

It certainly seems to be raining shit on Patricia Dunn and pals. We’ve been reporting about the whole spying debacle for weeks. Today, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer filed felony…