
Service mesh specialist Tetrate today announced that Tetrate Service Express (TSE), the company’s service mesh solution for Amazon’s EKS container service, is now generally available. TSE combines Tetrate’s Istio-based service…

Tetrate’s Istio-based Service Express service mesh is now generally available on AWS

Istio graduates

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today announced that Istio, the open source service mesh originally developed by Google and IBM and built on top of Lyft’s Envoy proxy, has…

Istio graduates

Google and today announced the next evolution of the Istio service mesh. Dubbed the “Ambient Mesh,” this new framework does away with Istio’s sidecar-centric architecture and replaces it with…

Google and bring Ambient Mesh to Istio

This has been a long time coming: Google today announced that it is submitting its Istio service mesh project for consideration as an incubating project within the Cloud Native Computing…

Google donates the Istio service mesh to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

When you think about service meshes, a somewhat esoteric cloud-native tool designed to stitch different microservices together, you might not think it’s the most lucrative side of the Kubernetes-led cloud-native… reaches $1B valuation with $135M Series C investment

Over the years, Google’s various whitepapers, detailing how the company solves specific problems at scale, have regularly spawned new startup ecosystems and changed how other enterprises think about scaling their…

Google details its approach to cloud-native security

Services meshes. They are the hot new thing in the cloud native computing world. At KubeCon, the bi-annual festival of all things cloud native, Microsoft today announced that it is…

Microsoft makes a push for service mesh interoperability

Tetrate — a company bringing commercial services and support to the open-source projects Istio and Envoy, providing network management functions for the microservices that make up modern mobile applications —…

Tetrate nets $12.5 million to bring microservices to the corporate masses

Istio, the service mesh for microservices from Google, IBM, Lyft, Red Hat and many other players in the open-source community, launched version 1.0 of its tools today. If you’re not…

The Istio service mesh hits version 1.0

The cloud isn’t right for every business, be that because of latency constraints at the edge, regulatory requirements or because it’s simply cheaper to own and operate their own data…

Google Cloud goes all-in on hybrid with its new Cloud Services Platform

To help developers and DevOps professionals manage and secure their microservice-based applications, Google, IBM and Lyft today announced Istio, a new open platform that allows you to create a network…

Google, IBM and Lyft launch Istio, an open-source platform for managing and securing microservices