
“Lightyear” was the first Pixar movie in two years to make it to theaters. A month and a half later, it finally hits the streaming platform Disney+. Today, August 3,…

‘Lightyear’ streams today, the first Pixar film on Disney+ with scenes in IMAX’s Expanded Aspect Ratio

Disney+ is bringing IMAX’s Expanded Aspect Ratio across 13 Marvel movies on its platform on November 12. The new format means that viewers will see smaller black bars in certain…

Disney+ is launching a special IMAX format for 13 Marvel movies

The company behind the biggest screens in cinema is giving up on bringing VR screens within a few inches of users’ faces. The company announced today in an SEC filing…

IMAX pulls the plug on its dream of VR arcades

Earlier this year, in a small, grey-walled storefront inside a very large mall in Torrance, Calif. (just past the AMC Center) , the virtual reality game-maker Survios planted its first…

Location-based virtual reality is increasing its footprint in the U.S.

While IMAX has become synonymous with enormous theatrical screens, Chief Marketing Officer JL Pomeroy told me the company has “been an innovator at the forefront of technology breakthroughs for the…

IMAX and Conversive launch an AR app with chatty pandas

Virtualities founder Ryan Burningham has a new idea for abandoned retail spaces — VR. VR theaters and arcades like Virtualities are starting to pop up in warehouses and other empty…

Exploring Virtualities, a Utah VR arcade and theater startup taking over a dying mall

The upcoming Justice League movie looks very bad, based on its new trailer – in fact, it could be mistaken for its own parody film. That’s not stopping Warner Bros.…

IMAX and Warner Bros. to create VR experiences based on Justice League films

Huge movie company IMAX is focusing on smaller screens – but still keeping things immersive – with a push into public, shared VR experiences. The latest tentpole in that project…

IMAX’s first European VR center will open before the end of 2016

IMAX, one company that has pushed cinema technology forward, is preparing to toss its hat into the virtual reality ring with a set of new initiatives.

IMAX to open ‘VR experience’ centers worldwide and develop its own VR camera

China To Get Cheaper IMAX Movie Tickets

IMAX is looking to reduce the ticket prices in China and open more than 100 new IMAX theaters. Talk about a bulk discount. IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond said, “IMAX is thinking of…


Sony In Talks To Buy IMAX?

There are rumors going around right now that Sony is going to make a play for IMAX. Since IMAX is a major (so to speak) venue for 3D films, it…

IMAX, the company that makes really big movie screens and projectors to match, is winning the movie wars. The company hit earnings of $115 million this quarter, up 37% since…

Just like clockwork more companies are announcing its plans for a 3D TV stations. ESPN’s plans were just announced and now we hear that Discovery, IMAX, and Sony have form…

Kiddies, you must go to your local IMAX theater and see Star Trek during its two week re-run. Even if you saw it the first time around on a standard…

Did you see Star Trek. You had to see Star Trek. It was tits. But if you missed it the first time around or you need something to do for…

Did you know that not all IMAX screens are the same size? I had no idea. It seems that in order to expand its market, the company has installed smaller…

Didja catch Star Trek last weekend? Some people did ’cause the movie brought in an estimated $72.5 million. Anyway, one of Joel Johnson’s friends just so happens to be an…


"The Dark Knight" returns to theaters

Just a heads up to the folks out in the crowd that “The Dark Knight” is back in theaters starting yesterday. Heh. If you didn’t get a chance to see…

The Bay, that’s how we’re going to refer to Michael Bay from here on out, has announced that a handful of sequences from Transformers 2 will be shot with IMAX…


"Dark Knight" hitting IMAX again in January

Warner Bros. have their eyes set on swooping up some Oscars this year with the “Dark Knight”, so they’ve announced that Christopher Nolan’s epic sequel in the Dark Knight series…

National Geographic is bringing a collection of extreme sport clips shot entirelly on IMAX to Blu-ray. The film showcases snowboard, windsurfing, and rock climbing, all shot on high-def’s granddaddy. Blu-ray is…

Popular Mechanics has about 20 seconds of non-trailer footage of The Dark Knight wherein the director, Christopher Nolan, explains his decision to film certain parts of the movie using IMAX…


DLP invades IMAX, replaces film

Isn’t OMSI cool looking? IMAX theaters are set to rid themselves of 70mm film and replace it with TI’s fancy DLP Cinema digital movie files for 2D and 3D movies.…