human spaceflight

Three leading space companies told Congress this week that the industry needs time to mature before federal regulators introduce new safety guidelines for human spaceflight — but that existing regulatory…

Three leading space companies agree: No new regulations on human spaceflight

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The Exploration Company is developing a brand new reusable orbital spacecraft

The European space scene is about five to 10 years behind America’s, Hélène Huby explained in a recent interview. She’s certainly qualified to make such an assessment: Huby spent much of her career at major European aerospace company Airbus, where one of her roles was VP of the European Service…

The Exploration Company is developing a brand new reusable orbital spacecraft

The mystery of who will occupy the final seat on Blue Origin’s debut human spaceflight next week is a mystery no longer: The company revealed today that the winning bidder…

Blue Origin’s final passenger for its first human spaceflight will be 18-year-old Oliver Daemen

Max Q is a weekly newsletter from TechCrunch all about space. Sign up here to receive it weekly on Mondays in your inbox. This week, China started staffing up its…

Max Q — China’s space station gets a staff

Jeff Bezos is going to be one of the passengers on his spaceflight company Blue Origin’s first-ever human space launch on July 20. The Amazon founder announced the news via…

Jeff Bezos and his brother will fly on Blue Origin’s first human spaceflight with auction winner

SpaceX is going to be providing more rides to the International Space Station for private astronauts, on top of the previously announced mission set to take place as early as…

SpaceX will launch four private astronaut missions to the Space Station through 2023

SpaceX private spaceflight ambitions got a big boost in 2018 when Japanese entrepreneur and billionaire Yusaku Maezawa announced he’d be taking a trip aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon on a…

SpaceX’s inaugural moon-tour private astronaut is heading to the International Space Station first

SpaceX has another successful human space launch to its credit, after a good takeoff and orbital delivery of its Crew Dragon spacecraft on Friday morning. The Dragon took off aboard…

SpaceX successfully launches astronauts with a re-used Dragon spacecraft for the first time