
Only 7% of founders have a pitch deck with a reasonably good go-to-market (GTM) narrative. Given that a lot of founders are raising money to acquire new customers, allow me…

If you’re going to market, your GTM slide needs to be awesome

B2B and B2C, while believed to be stark opposites in many ways, are not purely categories of audiences.

B2B vs. B2C is not about who’s buying, but how you’re selling

To survive, web3 startups must expand their buyer base to brand-new markets that showcase a greater willingness to spend, invest and innovate.

How web3 can have a 2024 comeback

The number of founders using their go-to-market slide to describe a marketing strategy is downright problematic.

Why most GTM slides suck — and how to fix them

The basis of the co-sell GTM strategy is built on understanding the problem and debunking the most common myths of the partner experience.

Startups should use this co-selling technique for successful partnerships with cloud hyperscalers

Implementing a new SaaS product into a company often requires a shift in workflows and behaviors, and such change can be met with resistance.

Three go-to-market tactics every founder needs to thrive in today’s market

In a downturn, getting the timing and evolution of a GTM model right relative to the maturity of a business can make the business and getting it wrong can break…

6 ways to make sure your startup is using the right GTM model

Technology leaders don’t like to admit it, but sales has a perception problem that deters many fabulous candidates — especially women and minorities — from pursuing careers in tech sales.

Flipping the sales script: How to break biases and diversify sales teams

Enterpret is building and deploying customer-specific models, based on customer feedback, for product development teams.

Enterpret launches with $4.3M, NLP technology to decipher customer feedback

The flow of capital in SaaS is becoming increasingly bifurcated. There are the “haves” (public companies with revenue growth of over 30%) and the “have nots” (everyone else) of B2B…

How to be one of the ‘haves’ of SaaS

The fact that the Bay Area’s share of startup funding is shrinking shouldn’t be cause for alarm — it’s good news for the entire country.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Less VC for SV, 2022 marketing predictions, GTM research strategies

Before you can hire a full-time marketer, you must first get to know your potential customer and what is going on in their life that will ultimately trigger them into…

How to acquire customer research that shapes your go-to-market strategy

A pitch deck needs to achieve two things: tell your company story and convince the investor that they can make money with your idea.

5 critical pitch deck slides most founders get wrong

To date, the company has over 9,000 paying customers, has tripled revenue in the past 12 months and maintained profitability for more than 18 months.

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These simple metrics will tell you if your startup is ready to scale

Finding go-to-market fit (GTM) is a pivotal moment for a startup. It means you’ve found a repeatable formula for finding and winning lead that can be written into a repeatable GTM playbook.

These simple metrics will tell you if your startup is ready to scale

The only thing holding you back is your attitude toward leveraging data to sell to your core customers.

3 data strategies for selling to developers

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The hamburger model is a winning go-to-market strategy

Assembling the perfect burger, or perfect sales model, is more complicated than it sounds, though. Here are some of the biggest do’s and don’ts:

The hamburger model is a winning go-to-market strategy