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Remembering the startups we lost in 2023

Not every startup collapse is an FTX or Theranos. They don’t all burn so brightly and explode so spectacularly. More often than not, there won’t be some high-profile court case and prison time. Amanda Seyfried isn’t going to play you in the made for Hulu movie. The story of most…

Remembering the startups we lost in 2023

Pet item sales topped $100 billion in 2020, driven by the 48 million dogs and cats that were adopted over the past three years.

Make no bones about it, Fuzzy expands reach into pet care market with capital infusion

Ah, the gift of giving. And getting. ‘Tis the season (for buying), and those savvy philanthropists at the One Laptop Per Child project have decided to extend the length of…