fraud prevention

The tension between incumbents and fintechs has existed for decades. But every once in a while, the two groups decide to put their competition aside and work together. In an…

When foes become friends: Capital One partners with fintech giants Stripe, Adyen to prevent fraud

Users log into Closinglock’s portal where real estate transaction wiring instructions are accessed instead of provided via email.

Closinglock, now with $12M, wants to prevent the 1 in 10 real estate transactions targeted for fraud

Prove Identity, the smartphone-based identity verification startup that originally made its name years ago as Payfone before rebranding in 2020, has raised $40 million. According to sources close to the…

Prove Identity nabs $40M at a $1B+ valuation to expand in mobile-based authentication tech

Risk defense startup SpecTrust is emerging from stealth today with a $4.3 million seed raise and a public launch. Cyber Mentor Fund led the round, which also included participation from…

SpecTrust raises millions to fight cybercrime with its no-code platform

Whenever you are doing something online that requires you to present an official ID like a passport or driver’s license to complete the transaction, it presents risk to both parties.…

Veriff wants to make it simple to present identification online

To predict and prevent fraud online even more quickly than cybercriminals adopt new tactics, Sift Science has raised $30 million in a Series C round of venture funding in a…

Sift Science raises $30 million to predict and prevent fraud everywhere online

Israel has become a hotbed for startups in the fields of identity verification and fraud prevention. The IDF Unit 8200 develops systems for gathering intelligence, automatically sifting through data to…

The Land Of Milk, Honey And Fraud Prevention