
The furniture rental industry is stuck in the last. Current options involve old-school companies like CORT where most of the inventory will make your apartment look like a dorm room,…

Feather raises $3.5M to rent furniture to millennials

Google Maps launches a location-sharing feature, Coffee Meets Bagel has a new paid membership tier and AI expert Andrew Ng leaves Baidu. All this on Crunch Report.

Over the years, YouTube has grown into way more than a place to upload cat videos. In a way, it’s become a new breed of “television” that lets people interact…

Google Launches YouTube Campaigns To Help Its 18K Nonprofit Partners Promote Their Goals

File-sharing services are getting pretty sophisticated these days, using the cloud to do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to not only transferring files, but managing them…

Today at a press event in San Francisco, Intel and a group of 70 companies announced an alliance to build a system of open standards for cloud computing. Part of…

When Mayor Bloomberg wants to make an announcement with Microsoft, CEO Steve Ballmer gets on a plane and flies to New York City. That’s because he’s Mayor Bloomberg, but also…

Everyone needs an iPhone app it seems, even e-commerce sites. But most shopping sites don’t want to bother with creating their own custom mobile app. So now we are starting…

How businesses and brands deal with social media has become one of the defining issues of the recent web era. Today a pretty big leap is taking place which may…

“So ResearchGATE is Facebook for Scientists?” I asked ex-Facebook exec, current Benchmark Capital general partner and new ResearchGATE investor Matt Cohler. “I bristle at that characterization,” he responded telling me…

Can a ragtag group of former newspapermen from the L.A. Times help newspapers fight off the content farms of the Web? The founders and backers of Ebyline, which has been…

While full-time tech jobs might not be making a roaring comeback, freelance and part-time work seems to be picking up the slack. One data point just came out today illustrating…

IBM put out a new report (embedded below) on security threats to enterprise computer networks today from its X-Force security research group. It found a 36 percent increase in security…

It is not often that a company’s first round of venture funding comes in at $60 million and eight years after it was founded with $10,000 worth of credit card…

Zoho’s project collaboration product and Basecamp-rival, Zoho Projects, is getting a much needed feature today: a Bug Tracking tool. Zoho Projects is a team collaboration and project management application that…

Long before he was part of the powerful investing duo behind venture fund Andreessen Horowitz, Ben Horowitz was a co-founder and CEO of Opsware (previously known as Loudcloud) a pioneer…

4INFO CEO Zaw Thet is trying to shed the title, “King of SMS.” The mobile advertising company dominates the US SMS market, delivering some 400 million text messages each month…

Salesforce Chatter just went live to all customers earlier today, but already it is being attacked from below by smaller social CRM players. Taking a page from Salesforce CEO Marc…

Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in…

Editor’s note: Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO of salesforce.com, really loves Japan. And if you are a startup founder or tech executive, he thinks you should too. He explains why…

One of Apple’s famous minimalist design principles is to get rid of buttons whenever possible. With touchscreen devices like the iPhone and iPad, almost all of the buttons appear when…

Adam Hocherman, 34, is an entrepreneur and founder of the consumer electronics company American Innovative in Boston, MA. Adam founded the company in 2003 with the help of the US…


Essential Gear for the Outdoor Photographer

Now that winter is drawing to a close in most of the country (it’s still snowing here in the Sierra Nevadas), it’s time to think about getting out and taking…

How many e-book readers do you think are out there right now for you to choose from? If you did a little digging, I bet you’d find 50 or so.…


Tech Tour: Cambridge Innovation Center

Located at the MIT-owned One Broadway Street building in Kendall Square, Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) houses more than 175 companies in over 100,000 square feet of office space and prices…

As companies mature from fledgling startups into small and medium-sized businesses, it becomes harder to capture and analyze ideas coming from within an organization. Email and spreadsheets are the usual…


Contest: Win a Nikon D3000

Looking for a DSLR this holiday season, but the budget is a bit tight? Let CrunchGear and Photojojo help you out. Photojojo is running a giveaway for a Nikon D3000,…


Review: Samson StudioDock 3i

Samson StudioDock 3i: A great set of computer speakers with a built in iPod dock and USB sound card. They sound great, no matter if you’re listening to music or…


The Gadget Love of a Guitar God

Most gadget do-it-yourselfers have stories of an idea that didn’t quite work out. Maybe the prototype never functioned properly. Or maybe a competitor introduced a similar piece of gear into…

The most interesting announcement from Konami at GamesCom 2009 is Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP. The release date of the game is set to 2010. In MSG:PW…