European Council

A new report has peeled back the curtain on big tech’s frenzied lobbying of European Union lawmakers as they finalize a major series of updates to the bloc’s digital rulebook.…

Report reveals Big Tech’s last minute lobbying to weaken EU rules

When the European Commission presented its Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal in December 2020, it listed beefed up consumer protections as a headline goal for the flagship update to the…

EU’s digital rule-book reboot could fumble dark patterns ban and trader checks, warns BEUC

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How Europe has expanded its bid to disrupt Big Tech

The European Union’s co-legislators reached political agreement on a major reform of digital competition rules late yesterday, which will introduce up-front obligations and restrictions (literally a list of “dos and don’ts”) on the most powerful internet giants — enforced by the threat of substantial fines and other types of penalties…

How Europe has expanded its bid to disrupt Big Tech

The European Union late Thursday secured agreement on the detail of a major competition reform that will see the most powerful, intermediating tech platforms subject to a set of up-front…

Europe says yes to messaging interoperability as it agrees on major new regime for Big Tech

The EU’s ban on Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik has just gone into effect after the bloc formally adopted the sanctions, meaning media regulators are now expected to monitor compliance,…

EU’s ban on Russia Today and Sputnik is now in effect

The European Parliament has agreed its negotiating position on draft legislation to put limits on how Big Tech can operate with the aim of rebooting competition and fair dealing in…

MEPs back limits on Big Tech’s ability to set self-serving defaults

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Digging into Google’s push to freeze ePrivacy

Google has responded to allegations contained in a recently unsealed US antitrust lawsuit that it worked covertly to stall European Union privacy legislation that could have blasted a huge hole in its behaviorial advertising business. Per the US states’ suit, a couple of years after a European Commission proposal to…

Digging into Google’s push to freeze ePrivacy