Elizabeth Denham

New data about the real-time-bidding (RTB) system’s use of web users’ info for tracking and ad targeting, released today by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), suggests Google and…

Report spotlights vast scale of adtech’s ‘biggest data breach’

The U.K.’s competition authority has accepted commitments from Google over how it develops the post-cookie future of interest-based ad targeting online under its self-styled “Privacy Sandbox” proposal. In an announcement…

UK’s CMA accepts Google’s post-cookie pledges, will ‘closely monitor’ Privacy Sandbox plan

Controversial facial recognition company Clearview AI is facing a potential fine in the UK. It has also been handed a provisional notice to stop further processing of UK citizens’ data…

Clearview AI told to stop processing UK data as ICO warns of possible fine

It’s been well over two years since the UK’s data protection watchdog warned the behavioural advertising industry it’s wildly out of control. The ICO hasn’t done anything to stop the…

UK privacy watchdog warns adtech the end of tracking is nigh

The U.K.’s data protection watchdog has written to Apple and Google seeking details of how they assess apps to determine the age ratings they apply following concerns raised by an…

Apple, Google questioned by ICO over app age ratings after UK child safety charity raises concerns

In the latest quasi-throwback toward “do not track,” the U.K.’s data protection chief has come out in favor of a browser- and/or device-level setting to allow internet users to set…

After years of inaction against adtech, UK’s ICO calls for browser-level controls to fix ‘cookie fatigue’

The U.K. government has named the person it wants to take over as its chief data protection watchdog, with sitting commissioner Elizabeth Denham overdue to vacate the post: The Department…

UK names John Edwards as its choice for next data protection chief as gov’t eyes watering down privacy standards

The need for markets-focused competition watchdogs and consumer-centric privacy regulators to think outside their respective ‘legal silos’ and find creative ways to work together to tackle the challenge of big…

Perspectives on tackling Big Tech’s market power

The UK’s chief data protection regulator has warned over reckless and inappropriate use of live facial recognition (LFR) in public places. Publishing an opinion today on the use of this…

UK’s ICO warns over ‘Big Data’ surveillance threat of live facial recognition in public

Remember the app audit Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg promised to carry out a little under three years ago at the height of the Cambridge Analytica scandal? Actually the tech giant…

Facebook’s secret settlement on Cambridge Analytica gags UK data watchdog

A UK parliamentary committee that focuses on human rights issues has called for primary legislation to be put in place to ensure that legal protections wrap around the national coronavirus…

UK’s NHS COVID-19 app lacks robust legal safeguards against data misuse, warns committee

The UK’s data protection watchdog confirmed today the government still hasn’t given it sight of a key legal document attached to the coronavirus contacts tracing app which is being developed…

UK’s coronavirus tracing app strategy faces fresh questions over transparency and interoperability

Facebook has reached a settlement with the U.K.’s data protection watchdog, the ICO, agreeing to pay in full a £500,000 (~$643K) fine following the latter’s investigating into the Cambridge Analytica…

Facebook agrees to pay UK data watchdog’s Cambridge Analytica fine but settles without admitting liability

Privacy commissioners from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Australasia have put their names to a joint statement raising concerns about a lack of clarity from Facebook over how data protection…

Libra, Facebook’s global digital currency plan, is fuzzy on privacy, watchdogs warn

The online campaigning activities of the UK’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, have already caught the eye of the country’s data protection watchdog. Responding to concerns about the scope of…

UK watchdog eyeing PM Boris Johnson’s Facebook ads data grab

The online behavioural advertising industry is illegally profiling internet users. That’s the damning assessment of the U.K.’s data protection regulator in an update report published today, in which it sets…

Behavioural advertising is out of control, warns UK watchdog

Facebook has refused to provide the British parliament with the names of individuals behind a shadowy network backing an extreme ‘no deal’ Brexit outcome over a government-negotiated compromise. Since the…

Facebook refuses to disclose ‘chuck Chequers’ Brexit advertiser to UK parliament

The UK’s data protection watchdog has issued fines against a pro-Brexit campaign, Leave.EU, and an insurance company owned by the largest individual donor to the leave cause, Arron Banks’ Eldon Insurance.…

Brexit backer’s insurance firm and leave campaign fined £120k by data watchdog

Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, SCL Elections, has been fined £15,000 in a UK court after pleading guilty to failing to comply with an enforcement notice issued by the national data…

Cambridge Analytica’s parent pleads guilty to breaking UK data law

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg may yet regret underestimating a UK parliamentary committee that’s been investigating the democracy-denting impact of online disinformation for the best part of this year — and…

UK parliament seizes cache of internal Facebook documents to further privacy probe

An unprecedented international grand committee comprising 22 representatives from seven parliaments will meet in London next week to put questions to Facebook about the online fake news crisis and the…

Facebook policy VP Richard Allan to face the international ‘fake news’ grilling that Zuckerberg won’t

Facebook has said it will appeal a £500,000 penalty issued by the U.K.’s data watchdog this summer following a lengthy investigation into the Cambridge Analytica data misuse scandal. Facebook told…

Facebook appeals UK data watchdog’s £500K Cambridge Analytica fine

The UK’s privacy watchdog has asked Facebook’s lead EU regulator to look into ongoing data protection concerns about its ad platform — including how its platform is being used to…

Facebook is facing an EU data probe over fake ads

The UK’s data watchdog has warned that Facebook must overhaul its privacy-hostile business model or risk burning user trust for good. Comments she made today have also raised questions over…

Facebook must change and policymakers must act on data, warns UK watchdog

Featured Article

Big tech must not reframe digital ethics in its image

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s visage loomed large over the European parliament this week, both literally and figuratively, as global privacy regulators gathered in Brussels to interrogate the human impacts of technologies that derive their power and persuasiveness from our data. The eponymous social network has been at the center of a…

Big tech must not reframe digital ethics in its image

The U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has confirmed that it has hit Facebook with a maximum £500,000 ($645,000) fine around the way it mishandled user data following the Cambridge Analytica…

UK watchdog hands Facebook maximum £500K fine over Cambridge Analytica data breach

Credit rating giant Equifax has been issued with the maximum possible penalty by the UK’s data protection agency for last year’s massive data breach. Albeit, the fine is only £500,000…

Equifax slapped with UK’s maximum penalty over 2017 data breach

A UK parliamentary committee which has been running a multi-month investigation into the impact of online disinformation on political campaigning — and on democracy itself — has published a preliminary…

Fake news inquiry calls for social media levy to defend democracy

The company at the center of a major Facebook data misuse scandal has failed to respond to a legal order issued by the U.K.’s data protection watchdog to provide a…

Facebook data misuse firm snubs UK watchdog’s legal order

The UK’s hopes of retaining an influential role for its data protection agency in shaping European Union regulations post-Brexit — including helping to set any new Europe-wide rules around artificial…

Brexit blow for UK’s hopes of helping set AI rules in Europe