
The social bookmarking, web annotation and research tool Diigo is launching a redesign and refresh today. The site has 7 million registered users, but the boot-strapped company is seeking a…

Diigo, A Tool For Highlighting And Adding Sticky Notes To The Web, Gets A Facelift

Diigo, a social bookmarking and annotation site, is finally back online 50 hours after the domain was first hijacked. It’s an incredible story that involves crisis management, blackmail, investigative research,…

Social Annotation Site Diigo.com Recovering After Domain Hijacking Nightmare

Blerp Aims To Turn The Web Into One Big Forum

San Francisco startup RocketOn, the company behind a virtual world platform that bares the same name, has more tricks up its sleeve and is today showing off the second product…

Social bookmarking and annotation service provider Diigo has acquired web page clipping and archiving service Furl from publicly listed search advertising network company LookSmart in exchange for equity. The deal…

The idea of annotating the Web has been around for a long time. It goes back to a failed Web 1.0 startup called Third Voice. Today there are a handful…

The idea of leaving sticky notes on the Web for others to find has been tried many times, but has never really taken off. Third Voice dotbombed with the idea…

We got word last night that Diigo will be releasing version 3.0 of its social bookmarking and webpage annotation service today. The company is calling it its biggest upgrade since…

Diigo to Launch Website Slideshow Feature Next Week

Website annotation tool Diigo will officially announce its new WebSlides feature next week. The new widget is an embeddable player that presents feeds or bookmarks as live web pages in…

Five Ways to Mark Up the Web

In 1999, Eng-Sion Tan and two friends launched Third Voice, a browser plugin that would let anyone make annotations on webpages. The intent was to encourage freer speech on the…

Diigo is a research tool that rocks

I just looked at the new research megatool Diigo and though several bloggers have covered it in the past and in previous incarnations (including our charming leader) I think they…

Diigo – Enough Evolution?

Diigo, which stands for “Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff”, is a social bookmarking site that allows users to highlight multiple content areas, including pictures, tag the page,…