digital regulation

The U.K. government has denied a fresh parliamentary delay to the Online Safety Bill will delay the legislation’s passage. The legislation is a core plank of the government’s 2019 manifesto…

UK government denies fresh delay to Online Safety Bill will derail it

The U.K.’s media watchdog, Ofcom, has published a debut report on its first year regulating a selection of video-sharing platforms (VSPs) — including TikTok, Snapchat, Twitch, Vimeo and OnlyFans — following…

UK watchdog gives first report into how video sharing sites are tackling online harms

The European Parliament has given a final stamp of approval to two major pieces of regulation which will update the EU’s rules for digital businesses. The Digital Markets Act (DMA)…

European parliament backs ‘historic’ reboot to EU’s digital rulebook

In her latest turn in front of a phalanx of lawmakers, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen gave a polished testimony to the European Parliament on Monday — following similar sessions in…

Europe’s digital rules reboot could tame Facebook, whistleblower Frances Haugen tells EU Parliament

Google is appealing the more than half a billion-dollar fine it got slapped with by France’s competition authority in July. The penalty relates to the adtech giant’s approach toward paying…

Google appeals ‘disproportionate’ French copyright talks fine

Germany’s national competition regulator, the Bundeskartellamt, has continued its investigative charge against Big Tech — announcing that it’s opened two proceedings into Google. The move follows earlier proceedings targeting Amazon and…

Google’s data terms are now in Germany’s competition crosshairs

European Union lawmakers have presented their risk-based proposal for regulating high risk applications of artificial intelligence within the bloc’s single market. The plan includes prohibitions on a small number of…

Europe lays out plan for risk-based AI rules to boost trust and uptake

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) has issued Twitter with a fine of €450,000 (~$547,000) for failing to promptly declare and properly document a data breach under Europe’s General Data Protection…

Twitter fined ~$550K over a data breach in Ireland’s first major GDPR decision

The U.K. is moving ahead with a populist but controversial plan to regulate a wide range of illegal and/or harmful content almost anywhere online such stuff might pose a risk…

UK Online Safety Bill, coming next year, will propose fines of up to 10% of annual turnover for breaching duty of care rules

Automattic, Mozilla, Twitter and Vimeo have penned an open letter to EU lawmakers urging them to ensure that a major reboot of the bloc’s digital regulations doesn’t end up bludgeoning…

Automattic, Mozilla, Twitter and Vimeo urge EU to beef up user controls to help tackle ‘legal-but-harmful’ content

The European Union said today that it wants to work with US counterparts on a common approach to tech governance — including pushing to standardize rules for applications of technologies…

Europe will push to work with the US on tech governance, post-Trump

The U.K. is moving ahead with a plan to regulate big tech, responding to competition concerns over a “winner-takes-all” dynamic in digital markets. It will set up a new Digital…

UK to set up ‘pro-competition’ regulator to put limits on big tech

Reset yer counters: Facebook has had to ‘fess up to yet another major ad reporting fail. This one looks like it could be costly for the tech giant to put…

Facebook’s latest ad tool fail puts another dent in its reputation

A new report by European consumer protection umbrella group Beuc, reflecting on the barriers to effective cross-border enforcement of the EU’s flagship data protection framework, makes awkward reading for the…

GDPR enforcement must level up to catch big tech, report warns

Big tech has responded to the mammoth antitrust report put out by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee yesterday with blanket denials there’s any monopolistic behaviour or competitive imbalances to see…

Big tech blows a collective raspberry at the House’s antitrust report

The question of how policymakers should respond to the power of big tech didn’t get a great deal of airtime at TechCrunch Disrupt last week, despite a number of investigations…

Big tech has 2 elephants in the room: Privacy and competition