Social bookmarking service Delicious is kicking the year off with a few enhancements to its service and interface. Delicious, which has made Michael’s favorite products list for the past three…

Scoopler Digs Up Some Funding, New Features

Realtime, realtime, realtime — it’s all you seem to hear now with regard to the web. But back in May, it was just emerging as a new trend that looked…

Joshua Schachter is best known as the creator of Delicious. But a few years after he sold it to Yahoo in 2005, he left the company and joined Google. Since…

Delicious was once one of the hottest social sites on the Internet. That’s why Yahoo bought it in 2005. But it’s weird now to even think about it as a…

I’ve been a long time Delicious user for bookmarks, going back to way before the acquisition of the company by Yahoo in late 2005 (one of our early scoops). But…

Every news source has its bias, and that is especially true for political news. The same story on the Huffington Post is more likely to have a liberal slant than…

Social bookmarking and annotation service provider Diigo has acquired web page clipping and archiving service Furl from publicly listed search advertising network company LookSmart in exchange for equity. The deal…

2009: Products I Can't Live Without

At the beginning of each year I traditionally publish a list of my favorite startups and products. This is the fourth year I’ve done this – previous lists: 2006, 2007,…

Social bookmarking pioneer Delicious pushed out a couple of updates to its Internet Explorer and Firefox add-ons yesterday, fixing a couple of bugs and adding some features. But it looks…

Delicious, the social bookmarking site that was largely responsible for making ‘tagging’ one of the defining elements in today’s web, has turned 5. The site launched back in 2003 and…

Portland based Iterasi launched in early 2008 to allow users to create on the fly bookmarking of entire web pages (not just the URL, the entire web page with images).…

When you search your bookmarks on, all you are searching is the tags, titles, and descriptions. If you want to search the full text of the underlying bookmarked pages…

YAY! The long awaited, much promised, never delivered Delicious 2.0 will launch in the next few minutes, just like they promised again last week. The new Delicious is just like…

Delicious 2.0 Imminent Again

Yahoo’s inability to launch Delicious 2.0, which was feature complete and in private beta back in September 2007, has become a bit of a joke around Silicon Valley. Last month…

It’s been over nine months since Yahoo first gave us a glimpse of Delicious 2.0 – a complete code rewrite from the now aging platform that was acquired by Yahoo…

Tagging Goes Semantic With Zigtag

Bookmarking and tagging websites can be a messy business. Zigtag, a new sidebar-based plugin currently in private beta, is looking to offer clean and streamlined bookmarking and tagging. The plugin…

Earlier today, venture capitalist Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures wrote a post expressing concern that Web startups tend to languish after they are bought by big companies. To help…

Here's A ScreenShot Of Publish2

Publish2, the stealth Digg-Clone-For-Journalists that announced a fundraising this morning, is being very quiet about exactly what their product is and how it works. In an interview last week they…

I know we can’t always expect our friends in New York to stay completely up to date on the latest Silicon Valley product developments. But Silicon Alley Insider’s report on…

One of the most popular visualization tools in social media is Digg Spy, which lets you watch as stories get dugg on Digg, constantly scrolling the latest links as they…

Will We See Delicious 2.0 This Week?

It’s been four and a half months since Yahoo first previewed Delicious 2.0. We’ve heard not a peep from them since as to when it might launch publicly and replace…

I just got word that Yahoo is testing the integration of Delicious user generated bookmarks into Yahoo search results pages (Yahoo acquired Delicious in late 2005). Some users will see…

This will be the third annual post on “Web 2.0 Companies I Couldn’t Live Without.” The first post, for 2006, is here. The 2007 post, written a year ago, is…

Some interesting audience-engagement data just came out from, which ranks the top feed readers and bookmarking services by how actively they are used. These rankings are based on how…

Social bookmarking site Delicious launched a limited, invite-only preview of version 2.0 of the service this afternoon. The new site can be accessed at, although only invited users can…

Social bookmarking service has one of the more popular Firefox Add-ons, but until recently it didn’t sync with your account and bring bookmarks and tags to the browser. A… Widget Released

News from has been slow the last year – a couple of controversies and some solid overall growth. It’s an example of something the Internet really needed, but it’s… founder Joshua Schachter just posted to the blog that the service has registered its 1 millionth user. Schachter says that number has more than tripled in the last…

Traffic fight: Hitwise says is soaring

New numbers indicate that, just as the company says, Yahoo! owned has experienced substantial growth since the December acquisition. Respected traffic analysts Hitwise just posted a report that the…

This is an update on the post I wrote about earlier today that showed massively decreasing traffic on the site according to Comscore, and flat traffic from Alexa. I…