david hornik

Lance Riedel and Nigel Daley both spent decades in search discovery, but it was while working at Pinterest that they began trying to understand how to use search engines to…

How a couple of former Pinterest search experts caught Biz Stone’s attention

Vowel’s meeting operating system has the goal of making meetings more useful before, during and after.

Virtual meeting platform Vowel raises $13.5M, aims to cure meeting fatigue

Today at TechCrunch Disrupt London, our own Connie Loizos sat down with a cadre of Silicon Valley investors to dig into what is going down on the American side of…

Silicon Valley VCs Talk Europe’s Startup Scene And Big Money In London

One day, things in the tech startup world are ticking along nicely. The next, investor Bill Gurley is calling private valuations “fake,” billion-dollar companies are losing their sheen, and venture capitalists…

Catch Top VCs David Hornik, Thomas Korte, and Andy McLoughlin at Disrupt London

We have some incredible speakers coming to the TechCrunch Disrupt London conference on December 7-8. We’re not just talking global sporting superstar Thierry Henry, by the way. We’re talking about…

TechCrunch Disrupt London Brings The Best Of Europe Together

August Capital said today it has closed on $450 million for its latest venture capital fund, called August VII. The new raise represents a downsizing of sorts for the 20-year-old…

August Capital Raises $450 Million For Its Seventh Fund, August VII

August Capital was doing very late stage deals when most VCs refused to. And its early 2000 era buyout of Seagate was one of the better returns in the firm’s…

Let’s be honest: One of the reasons David Hornik actually agreed to be on camera at All Things D is that he didn’t have a startup about to file to…

We haven’t done Ask a VC for a while thanks to my hectic travel schedule, so I pulled David Hornik out of the hallway at D to catch up on…

Ten years ago, most VCs refused to invest outside of Silicon Valley. Now, most of them have funds in Israel, Europe, India or China– and lately many of those Chinese…

We’ve come to the last installment of the Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN and we’ve saved the wonkiest, nerdiest topic for last: Should entrepreneurs swap investor cash for convertible debt…

Super Angel/VC SMACKDOWN: What's so Great about Convertible Debt? (TCTV)

Ding, ding! It’s round four of our Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN. Both of our pugilist Davids live and work in Silicon Valley. Given that today’s topic is about whether…

Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN, Part 4: Is Silicon Valley Getting Disrupted? (TCTV)

In part three of our Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN Dave McClure says “I am all about the flip. GREED IS GOOD. I am Gordon Gekko in Silicon Valley.” But…

Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN Part 3: Are Angels Just about the Flip? (TCTV)

So let me get this straight, you call yourself an angel, but you’re investing limited partners’ money…doesn’t that just make you a small, early-stage VC? And if you’re successful, don’t…

Super Angel v. VC SMACKDOWN Part 2: Are Super Angels Just a Phase? (TCTV)

Watching the battle of words, blog posts, term sheets and Tweets unfold over the last few weeks between VCs and Super Angels has been a little surreal. I’ve spent a…

Super Angel/VC Smackdown: Why the Hate? (TCTV)

There’s a growing debate in Silicon Valley as to whether the rise in angel investors coupled with robust deal activity (from the likes of Google, Facebook, Zynga, etc.) is fostering…