data breaches

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As the SEC’s new data breach disclosure rules take effect, here’s what you need to know

Starting from today, December 18, publicly owned companies operating in the U.S. must comply with a new set of rules requiring them to disclose “material” cyber incidents within 96 hours. The regulation represents a significant shake-up for organizations, many of which have argued that the new rules open them up…

As the SEC’s new data breach disclosure rules take effect, here’s what you need to know

The fallout from Fortra’s mass ransomware attack continues to widen as the hackers claim a new victim: a children’s virtual mental health care startup. In a data breach disclosure filed…

Children’s data feared stolen in Fortra ransomware attack

Featured Article

Sensitive US military emails spill online

A government cloud server was spilling internal military emails data onto the open internet because no password was set.

Sensitive US military emails spill online

Australia has confirmed an incoming legislative change will significantly strengthen its online privacy laws following a spate of data breaches in recent weeks — such as the Optus telco breach…

Australia to toughen privacy laws with huge hike in penalties for breaches

A ransomware attack on a little-known debt collection firm that serves hundreds of hospitals and medical facilities across the U.S. could be one of the biggest data breaches of personal…

A ransomware attack on a debt collection firm is one of 2022’s biggest health data breaches

Featured Article

Fears grow for smaller nations after ransomware attack on Costa Rica escalates

The Russia-linked ransomware gang demanded $20 million in ransom — and the overthrow of Costa Rica’s elected government. Where does that leave smaller, equally vulnerable nation states?

Fears grow for smaller nations after ransomware attack on Costa Rica escalates

Japanese tech giant Panasonic has confirmed its Canadian operations were hit by a cyberattack, less than six months after the company last fell victim to hackers. In a statement provided…

Panasonic says Canadian operations hit by ‘targeted’ cyberattack

A cache of chat logs belonging to the Conti ransomware group have leaked online thanks to an apparent insider, who claimed to have objected to the group’s support for the…

Conti ransomware gang’s internal chats leaked online after declaring support for Russian invasion

The Federal Communications Commission is the next US regulator hoping to hold companies more accountable for data breaches.

FCC proposes stricter requirements for reporting data breaches

Japanese tech giant Panasonic has confirmed that hackers accessed personal information belonging to job candidates and interns during a November cyberattack. At the time of the data breach, which the…

Panasonic says hackers accessed personal data of job candidates

Japanese tech giant Panasonic has confirmed a data breach after hackers gained access to its internal network. Panasonic said in a press release dated November 26 that its network was…

Panasonic confirms data breach after hackers access internal network

Manhunt, a gay dating app that claims to have 6 million male members, has confirmed it was hit by a data breach in February after a hacker gained access to…

Gay dating site Manhunt hacked, thousands of accounts stolen

Australia’s privacy watchdog is suing Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica data breach — which, back in 2018, became a global scandal that wiped billions off the tech giant’s share price…

Australia sues Facebook over Cambridge Analytica, fine could scale to $529BN

A popular hentai porn site that promises anonymity to its 1.1 million users left a user database exposed without a password, allowing anyone to identify users by their email addresses.…

An anonymous hentai porn site exposed over a million users’ emails

A report by the lead data watchdog for a large number of tech giants operating in Europe shows a significant increase in privacy complaints and data breach notifications since the…

Privacy complaints received by tech giants’ favorite EU watchdog up more than 2x since GDPR

The genetic analysis and family tree website MyHeritage was breached last year by unknown actors, who exfiltrated the emails and hashed passwords of all 92 million registered users of the…

MyHeritage breach exposes 92M emails and hashed passwords


Within a matter of months, the General Data Protection Regulation will apply across the EU and business processing citizens’ data will need to be sure they’re compliant. We explain the…


When it comes to the cybersecurity problem, where is rock bottom? Internet security is in a state of crisis. With their shocking scope and targeting of some of society’s most…

We’re hitting rock bottom in cyber — let’s do something

Analyst Gartner is projecting that worldwide spending on IT security products and services will grow seven per cent, year over year, to reach a total of $86.4 billion in 2017.

Global cybersecurity spending to grow 7% to $86.4BN in 2017, says Gartner

Another day, another major round of funding for a security startup, underscoring just how active the area of IT protection is right now — both in terms of business need…

Illumio, a specialist in segmented security, raises $125M at $1b+ valuation

Public data breach lists are a symptom of a deeper problem: U.S. cybersecurity laws place a disproportionate emphasis on notifying the public after a breach has occurred. While notice always…

Prevent data breaches, don’t just report them

On Tuesday, the office of New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman released a summary of the year 2016 in data breaches. Collecting any breach that affected New York…

In New York, data breaches shot up 60% last year

Amazon’s AWS cloud services division quietly acquired cyber security firm last year, TechCrunch has learned.

Sources: Amazon quietly acquired AI security startup for around $20M

Data breaches are on the rise. Just recently we saw new reports confirming Yahoo! suffered another breach back in 2013. It seems like putting personal information in a website today…

The carrot and stick of data breaches

In the ever-shifting landscape of cyberthreats and attacks, having access to timely information and intelligence is vital and can make a big difference in protecting organizations and firms against data…

How threat intelligence sharing can help deal with cybersecurity challenges

Evernote is requiring its nearly 50 million users to reset their passwords after the popular personal note-taking app became the latest high-profile victim of wide-scale hacking attempts. The breach follows…

Evernote Saw First Signs Of Hacking On Feb. 28: Emails, Passwords And Usernames Accessed But Not Your Data Or Payment Details