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The convicts of Silicon Valley, 2023 edition

Silicon Valley can be a place of great power and riches, but the smallest thing can bring it crashing down. From deepfaked phone calls with bankers on the line to mountains of lies that grew out of control, these once-darlings of Silicon Valley were no match for the law. Here’s…

5:05 am PST • December 28, 2023
The convicts of Silicon Valley, 2023 edition

Sarah Guo isn’t late to the AI party, but she did just raise a $101 million fund to bet on the appetizers. Hello and welcome…

Sarah Guo isn’t late to the AI party

The Federal Aviation Administration and SkyPan International in Chicago have settled a civil suit that was closely watched by the nascent commercial drone industry. The government agency said the privately held company flew its drones��over…

US regulators hammer down on unauthorized drone use