content marketing

It used to be that having a corporate blog and some paid content was the gist of your marketing department’s content efforts, and that was enough. But as larger companies…

AudiencePlus wants to help every company run its own media platform

Vanity metrics don’t measure how engaged potential customers are; they simply gauge the relative popularity of your business.

Design and implement a content governance system to increase ROI

It’s getting harder these days to get your buyer’s attention. It used to be that you paid for some ads and threw up some blog posts and you were pretty…

HubSpot is the latest SaaS company to woo creators

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Why so many SaaS companies are launching their own media operations

Around 2003, as blogs began to take hold, it became clear that these writing tools could be more than an outlet for an individual’s ruminations — they also had potential for business and marketing.

Why so many SaaS companies are launching their own media operations

Sales stand and fall on leads, but attracting prospects and optimally converting them into buyers is an art that many have yet to grasp.

Setting up high-conversion lead magnets that deliver value

This post tears down the homepage of Ahrefs, covering the key sections of a landing page so that you can apply their conversion tactics and copywriting strategies to your startup’s…

Demand Curve: How Ahrefs’ homepage educates prospects to purchase

Copywriting isn’t about combining the right words to sell your product — it’s how your messaging connects with users. By improving a few words, your copy can better convince people…

Demand Curve: Avoid these 10 copywriting mistakes to get more conversions

Marketers need a new plan of action that puts creativity before quantity, audience before engine, and sets connection as the top priority. They need an amplified marketing strategy.

How to execute an amplified marketing strategy

Developer marketer Adam DuVander explains why education should be the focus for companies that market directly to developers.

Why generic marketing approaches don’t work on software developers

We interviewed MuteSix CRO Greg Gillman to discuss how the LA-based performance marketing agency bets on content and data to work with its direct-to-consumer e-commerce clients.

Performance marketing agency MuteSix bets on content and data to boost DTC e-commerce

“There are three common blunders that most SaaS marketers make time and again when it comes to clarity and high-converting content,” says Konrad Sanders, founder and CEO of The Creative…

Making a splash in the marketing world

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to grab people’s attention, but there’s one aspect of marketing that Robert Katai thinks isn’t talked about as often: maintaining their…

Romanian marketing expert Robert Katai explains how to get the most out of your content

Boston-based CRM company HubSpot announced today that co-founder and CEO Brian Halligan would be stepping into the executive chairman role and Chief Customer Officer Yamini Rangan would be taking over…

HubSpot CEO moving to exec chairman role as company promotes Yamini Rangan to CEO

There are very few marketing channels as well rounded as email newsletters. They provide a direct line of communication; nearly 40x ROI, are infinitely scalable and virtually free.

Demand Curve: Tested tactics for growing newsletters

Developer marketing came up in our conversation with strategic marketing firm MKT1, so we called on content marketing production company’s CEO Karl Hughes to learn more. CEO Karl Hughes on the importance of using experts in developer marketing

“You have to understand that working at a startup often feels like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff. And that’s also the moment you’re at your most creative.”

Unmuted founder Max van den Ingh on success beyond the metrics

Excerpts from our Twitter Spaces chat with MKT1 founders Emily Kramer and Kathleen Estreich on the growth marketing industry, when to hire a marketer and when a startup should consider…

The MKT1 interview: Growth marketing in 2021, hiring versus outsourcing and more

TechCrunch is searching for the best growth marketers for founders to work with. Click through to learn about some of our favorites.

Growth marketing roundup: Cool SaaS, marketing lies, VR ads and more

Your first marketer will have an outsized impact on team dynamics as well as the overall strategic direction of the brand, product and company.

5 questions startups should consider before making their first marketing hire

A startup’s best marketing asset is its story. The knowledge and expertise of its team, together with the why and the how of its offering provides the most compelling content.

Even startups on tight budgets can maximize their marketing impact

Online consumer intelligence and social media listening platform Brandwatch has been acquired by Cision, best known for its media monitoring and media contact database services, for $450 million, in a…

Brandwatch is acquired by Cision for $450M, creating a PR, marketing and social listening giant

If you’ve run into roadblocks, make sure you’re not making any of these mistakes with your content or your pitching.

6 reasons why reporters aren’t interested in your content marketing

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Leverage public data to improve content marketing outcomes

Those who see the opportunity in data-focused content will reap disproportionate benefits.

Leverage public data to improve content marketing outcomes

Is there a data-driven — or even better, an AI-driven — process for gaining deeper insight into which images are more likely to engage users?

There’s a way to pick the absolute best images for your content: Apply AI

Utilizing content marketing and digital PR can make huge strides in getting your brand name out there.

2 strategies for creating top-of-funnel marketing content

A lot is debated in the SEO world, but nearly everyone can agree that links are and will continue to be vitally important to the health and rankability of a…

Earn the best backlinks with high-quality content and digital PR

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When you need content to build links, use social proof of concept

Look at what type of topics, methodologies, designs, etc. have performed impressively in the past, learn from what they did and didn’t do well — then create something even better.

When you need content to build links, use social proof of concept

Plenty of ideas have merit, but when it comes to which ones you move forward with, make sure you’re investing time and budget into the ideas with the highest probability…

We throw away 80% of our content ideas, and you should too

The industry has evolved for a variety of reasons, including Google’s algorithm updates and the state of digital media. We’ve had to change along with them.

What we’ve learned from building 40,000+ links for clients

In a world where ad rates are declining for traditional broadcast media, the corporations responsible for making the fictions that millions devour daily need to find a new business model.…

Virtual product placement is coming for TV and movies and Ryff has raised cash to put it there