contact centers

Cognigy is helping create AI that can handle the highly repetitive, rote processes center workers face daily.

Cognigy lands cash to grow its contact center automation business

A company may have a good contact center, but ideally they are able to help customers before they need to make a call. Operative Intelligence helps contact centers figure out…

Operative Intelligence helps contact centers figure out what customers really need

As more businesses move their IT from on-premise solutions and into networked, cloud-based services, startups that are building products for them to do this are raking in yet more funding as…

More Money Into The Cloud As NewVoiceMedia Gets $30M For Its Contact Center Solutions

NewVoiceMedia, a UK-based provider of cloud-based contact solutions, is today announcing that it has raised another $50 million. The company will use the funding to build out its business in…

NewVoiceMedia Raises Another $50M For Its Cloud-Based Contact Centers