CG Exclusives


Crumpler Geek Travel Contest Concludes

Sorry I didn’t announce this on Friday as I had promised. A vicious case of Strep throat has floored me for the past few days. Anyway, I know it’s late,…

We have our second winner! After poring through the comments from the past 24 hours, we’ve settled upon one commenter who tickled us beyond the rest. Could it be you?…


Helio Heat Hands-Burned

The Heat is the second device from Helio that I’ve had the opportunity to try. Like the Drift, the Heat is manufactured by Samsung and imbued with all sorts of…

Whew. It’s been about two weeks since we launched our Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge. And today we can finally announce a winner. We’ve seen some truly disastrous workspaces during our…

I know I’m a day late on getting all of this up—sorry. I’ve been working on getting all of these pictures uploaded for awhile. You all have expressed interest in…


Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge Closes

This concludes the submission phase of our Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge. I’d like to thank everyone who participated. Over the next day we’re going to pour through the entries and…


Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge Update

Yes! Scorcese won. Justice is served! Ahem. Sorry about that. I just wanted to give you all one final update about The Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge. We’re closing the contest…


Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge Update

After five days of worst workspaces, we’re ready to admit that your work environments are worse than our wildest dreams. Holy crap. Your mothers would be disappointed in most of…

We’ve entered day four of the Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge. Lots of entries so far and we’ve seen some total disaster areas. You all continue to impress with your complete…


Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge Update

Ugh. Mardi Gras is over, but my hang over is just beginning. Lots of drunken festivities were had. You can see my photos at my Flickr page. Anyway, quick update…


The Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge

Happy Mardi Gras everybody. I’ve pried myself away from our drunken debauchery for a moment to give you an update on our Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge. First of all, let…


The Steelcase Worst Workspace Challenge

Tomorrow is Mardi Gras and I’m preparing to drink myself into sweet oblivion. Before I go, however, I must take a moment to tell you about our exciting new contest,…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Finalists

The contest has been closed for awhile now and I want to say, good stuff from all of you. You’re all winners, but only one of you is getting the…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Concludes

If you haven’t yet sent in your entry, then you’re out of luck. The contest is now over. We’ll be pouring over the entries and deciding on the best few.…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Update

The end is neigh! You’ve got about six hours until the conclusion of our Find Yourself with TeleNav contest. To enter, send an email to contest at crunchgear dot com…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Update

Our Find Yourself with TeleNav contest is drawing to a close. Just one day left. There have been some great entries so far, and I know there are a bunch…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Update

We’re entering day three of our Find Yourself with TeleNav contest. There have been some great entries so far, and I know there are a bunch more out there, so…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Update

Just a quick update to remind you all about the continuation of our Find Yourself with TeleNav contest. The winner will receive a TeleNav GPS Receiver and three months of…


Find Yourself with TeleNav Contest

In celebration of our deep appreciation for the TeleNav service and in recognition of its continued global expansion (US, Canada, Brazil, China, Italy and more to come), we’re launching a…


Workspace Roundup: Ergonomic Chairs

As techies, there are few components that affect us more so than our chairs. Sitting in a chair for countless hours every day has a notable impact on our bodies.…


Reader Response: Festivus Week Concludes

It’s over! Seven days of tenacious commenting; seven days of you readers scrambling for a chance to win a Nikon D40 camera kit. We’ve already given away a bunch of…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 4

The sky is falling! Or at least is seems like it. There is some apocalyptic raining goin’ on down here in NOLA. Katrina Deux perhaps. Flooding everywhere. I saw kids…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 3

Ah Wednesday, Reader Response Festivus Week moves on bringing us one day closer to Friday; one day closer to that Nikon D40. It also means that today is the first…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 2

Greetings all. Now that today is winding down, I’d like to take a quick moment to announce the second Sandisk Cruzer Winner. Lots of good comments today and I enjoyed…


Reader Response: Festivus Week – Day 1

To think we started CrunchGear just a little over five months ago. Its growth has been quick, and looking across the posts there is a comment on almost every entry.…


BluOynx Mobile Content Server

Agere Systems has announced the BluOynx Mobile Content Server, a device that aims to un-tether users from PCs and stationary storage devices. The BluOynx server is a small portable server…


Reader Response: Festivus Week

As I mentioned previously, Reader Response for the coming week is going to be big. Rather than awarding one grand prize on Friday, we’ll be awarding prizes every day next…


Reader Response Week Three

Consider this the conclusion of week three of reader response. We’ve had some incredibly insightful comments and, as always, I’m proud of each and every one of you&mdashyou’re all winners…


M2 Convert Winners: Day 08

Two days left! This marks 80 copies of M2 Convert that we’ve distributed to our dear, dear readers. SO here they are, the winners for Wednesday:


Presto! For the Elderly

As we reported recently, Presto is a service that aims to bring e-mail to those incapable of operating a computer. It uses a special printer designed by HP that hooks…