Cédric O

When the European Commission presented its Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal in December 2020, it listed beefed up consumer protections as a headline goal for the flagship update to the…

EU’s digital rule-book reboot could fumble dark patterns ban and trader checks, warns BEUC

The European Union late Thursday secured agreement on the detail of a major competition reform that will see the most powerful, intermediating tech platforms subject to a set of up-front…

Europe says yes to messaging interoperability as it agrees on major new regime for Big Tech

It’s the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union right now. And the French government is taking advantage of this opportunity to make some progress on the tech…

France’s strategy for EU startup policies: Talent and money

The French government unveiled a massive $120 billion (€100 billion) stimulus package earlier today to recover from the economic downturn — it represents 4% of the country’s GDP. As part…

France to spend $8.4 billion on digital as part of stimulus plan

France’s lower chamber of the parliament has voted in favor of a controversial law against hate speech on social networks and online platforms. As I described last year, online platforms…

France passes law forcing online platforms to delete hate-speech content within 24 hours

Apple and Google have provided a number of updates about the technical details of their joint contact tracing system, which they’re now exclusively referring to as an “exposure notification” technology,…

Apple and Google update joint coronavirus tracing tech to improve user privacy and developer flexibility

France’s Minister of State for Digital Affairs Cédric O and public investment bank Bpifrance announced a comprehensive support plan for startups this morning. Some French startups are going to face…

France announces $4.3B plan to support startups

Featured Article

How France’s new digital minister plans to regulate tech

What happens when you’re working behind the scene with French President Emmanuel Macron and you suddenly become a minister? This is what’s happening to Cédric O this week, who was appointed Minister for Digital Affairs on Sunday. I was the first journalist to interview him after his appointment. While Cédric…

How France’s new digital minister plans to regulate tech