
Arjun Sethi speaks with the confidence of someone who knows more than other people, or at least knows that sounding highly confident can shape perception. Either way, when he tells…

VC Arjun Sethi talks a big game about selling his company-picking strategies to other investors; he says they’re buying it

Welcome back to Equity, the podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines.

Startups are hiring fewer workers and paying out less in equity comp

Welcome to Equity, a podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines. Today on the pod, Mary Ann…

What’s the Deel with Remofirst, and why are VCs playing musical chairs?

Welcome to TechCrunch Fintech (formerly The Interchange)! In this edition, I’m going to look at some hits and misses in the real estate fintech space, Carta’s missteps (again), and more!…

Carta’s missteps and real estate fintech’s up-and-down week

What happens to Carta now?

5:09 pm PST • January 9, 2024

If a noticeable chunk of Carta startup and venture customers do leave, it would hurt the company’s otherwise impressive revenue figures, but that seems unlikely to happen.

What happens to Carta now?

Is Carta a bad business without a secondary-market trading arm? Can it scale on its other revenue sources to the size it needs to take its large private-market valuation live?

Carta’s growth story is being overshadowed by its stock trading snafu

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Carta exits secondary trading following credibility hit

Roughly 72 hours after a prominent startup customer complained that Carta was misusing information with which it was entrusted — scaring many of Carta’s tens of thousands of other customers in the process — Carta is exiting the business that landed it in trouble with the customer. Carta co-founder and…

7:30 pm PST • January 8, 2024
Carta exits secondary trading following credibility hit

Hello, and welcome back to Equity, the podcast about the business of startups. Our Monday show covers the latest in tech news from the weekend and…

Bitcoin ETFs, Carta’s latest mess and let’s go to the moon

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Carta, the cap table management outfit, is accused of unethical tactics by a prominent startup

Carta, an ambitious 14-year-old Silicon Valley outfit, has gone through numerous iterations over time, originally inviting investors, startups and employees to use its software to manage their cap tables and later aspiring to evolve into a “private stock market for companies,” as founder Henry Ward once told TechCrunch. As he…

12:14 pm PST • January 7, 2024
Carta, the cap table management outfit, is accused of unethical tactics by a prominent startup

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Startups are doing fine, but scale-ups and unicorns are in deep water

The trends that we can spy inside the data are an effective argument against the era in which startups were encouraged to stay private as long as possible.

9:04 am PST • December 8, 2023
Startups are doing fine, but scale-ups and unicorns are in deep water

Welcome back to The Interchange, where we take a look at the hottest fintech news of the previous week. If you want to receive The Interchange directly in your inbox every…

A look at how one fintech CEO’s PR decision backfired

In an attempt at damage control, the CEO of the equity management startup Carta, Henry Ward, today emailed customers, telling them that if they are concerned about “negative press” tied…

Carta’s CEO reaches out to customers about bad press, alerting them to bad press

Typically, a VC fund’s management fee is 2% of AUM, but new data from Carta shows that the 2% figure isn’t as universal as you might think.

All venture funds use the ‘2 and 20’ fee structure, right? Not really

While funding to pre-seed startups has picked up pace, most of the deals being closed are more in favor of investors than the founders.

The pre-seed market is recovering, but investors increasingly have the upper hand

Don’t worry, the answer here is not just “build an AI startup.”

Here are the most richly valued startup types in today’s early-stage venture market

Hello and welcome back to Equity, a podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines. This is…

Charting the future of the early-stage venture market with Carta’s CEO

More capital went to AI startups in Q1 2023 than in the sequentially preceding quarter. In contrast, non-AI startups saw their capital inflows constrict over the same timeframe.

The best way to avoid a down round is to found an AI startup

As the pendulum of power swings back toward VCs, down rounds have become more common than the venture community has seen in nearly half a decade.

Down rounds are prevailing as power shifts to VCs again

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Have startup valuations fallen enough to feel sane again?

Let’s find out the current premium venture investors are paying for startup shares, and see if we can find anything new compared to 2022 data.

10:00 am PDT • April 10, 2023
Have startup valuations fallen enough to feel sane again?

Let’s talk median fundraising round sizes and deal values for seed through Series C in the first quarter of 2023.

As YC launches new batch, here’s how the early-stage venture market is faring today

The firm uses an in-house data algorithm it hopes will help it find startups that have teams designed to scale — beyond just the founders.

Ensemble raises $100M debut fund to bet on startup teams — but not in the way you think

Emily Kramer is well known in the marketing world, both for her professional expertise and her voice. The entrepreneur was Carta’s former VP of marketing and made headlines in 2020…

Who markets marketing? This duo started a VC firm to scale what ‘founders are starving for’

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Dry powder versus wet powder: The numbers have spoken

Data from Carta seems to confirm that VC funds are opting to support portfolio companies over making new investments: The frequency of bridge rounds boomed during the last quarter of 2022.

10:00 am PST • February 18, 2023
Dry powder versus wet powder: The numbers have spoken

Hello and welcome back to Equity, a podcast about the business of startups, where we unpack the numbers and nuance behind the headlines. This week, Natasha…

Frank-ly, the Kardashian method won’t work for SBF

Carta, an equity management platform that was last privately valued at $7.4 billion, has cut 10% of its staff, confirming earlier rumors that a workforce reduction was going to happen.…

Carta lays off 10% as CTO lawsuit looms

Carta, the 11-year-old, San Francisco-based outfit whose core business is selling software to investors to track their portfolios, has sued its former CTO, Jerry Talton, who the company says was…

Carta, previously sued for gender discrimination, is now suing its former CTO

More than 150 startups received a lower 409A valuation in Q3, which prompted them to re-price their employee stock grants.

A wave of late-stage startups quietly marked down their valuations in Q3

How conservative are today’s valuations when compared to the norms of recent years?

Are tech valuations artificially low, or are we simply returning to reality?

New data from Carta indicates that Series C is the current, and real, bottleneck in Venture Land, which means that this is the new crunch point for startups looking to…

Series C is the new venture-startup bottleneck

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The power pendulum is swinging back to employers, isn’t it?

We talked with entrepreneur Nolan Church about the layoffs sweeping across the tech workforce — and how to handle them better.

10:00 am PST • November 13, 2022
The power pendulum is swinging back to employers, isn’t it?