
Remote work struck down barriers for many employees, and now Virtual Internships is doing the same for university students around the world by partnering with over 12,000 companies from 100…

Virtual Internships matches students with top companies around the world

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Could the Great Resignation force techies to get career agents?

The Great Resignation led tech workers to realize their power. Salaries are increasing, demand for talent is high and if you’re an engineer at Stripe, there are probably at least three investors who would back your pre-seed company before it even has a kernel of an idea. However, the hiring…

Could the Great Resignation force techies to get career agents?

The income share agreement (ISA), a financing model where students pay for an education program with a certain percent of their income for several years after graduating, has been one…

How income share agreements will spark the rise of career accelerators

Udacity today announced a new partnership with Google that will make a number of career courses freely available to recent graduates and mid-career professionals. The free career courses, which mark…

Udacity and Google launch free career courses for interview prep, resume writing and more

LinkedIn, the Microsoft-owned social platform for the working world with some 530 million members, has made a big push in the last couple of years to position itself not just…

LinkedIn rolls out its Career Advice mentoring program to US, UK and India

Glassdoor, the jobs and career community website offering company reviews, salary comparisons and job listings, is today announcing an additional $20 million in outside funding. The Series D round was…

With 40% Of Traffic From Outside The U.S., Glassdoor Raises $20M Series D To Expand Internationally

In Startups And Life, You Need Plan A, B, And Z

An entrepreneur receives lots of contradictory advice from really smart, experienced people. For example, you’ve probably been told to be both persistent and flexible; to have a clear vision you…

In Startups And Life, You Need Plan A, B, And Z

If you and a friend could stitch together an iPhone application, one that brings in thousands of dollars of revenue per month, would you quit your job? (/me Raises hand,…