
Earlier this week, the U.S. government announced sanctions against the founder of a controversial government spyware maker, Tal Dilian, and his business associate, Sara Aleksandra Fayssal Hamou. In announcing the…

Spyware makers express concern after US sanctions spyware veteran

The Biden administration on Monday announced a new executive order that would broadly ban U.S. federal agencies from using commercially developed spyware that poses threats to human rights and national…

Biden executive order bans federal agencies from using commercial spyware

Featured Article

Hands-on with Lockdown Mode in iOS 16

Lockdown Mode is a new Apple feature you should hope you’ll never need to use. But for those who do, like journalists, politicians, lawyers and human rights defenders, it’s a last line of defense against nation-state spyware designed to punch through an iPhone’s protections. The new security feature was announced…

Hands-on with Lockdown Mode in iOS 16

Microsoft has linked the exploitation of several Windows and Adobe zero-days targeting organizations in Europe and Central America to a little-known Austrian spyware maker. The technology giant’s threat intelligence and…

Microsoft links Windows zero-day hacks to Austrian spyware maker

Security researchers have linked the discovery of an actively exploited but since-fixed zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome to an Israeli spyware maker targeting journalists in the Middle East. Cybersecurity company…

Spyware maker Candiru linked to Chrome zero-day targeting journalists