Cambridge Analytica

Facebook’s murky history of letting third party apps help themselves to user data which you may recall blew up into a major global privacy scandal back in 2018 (aka, Cambridge…

Senate committee presses Meta over data access by developers in ‘high risk’ countries, per 2018 app audit

Facebook’s parent company Meta has agreed to a $725 million settlement to resolve a class action lawsuit related to the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal. First reported by Reuters earlier…

Facebook parent Meta to settle Cambridge Analytica class action lawsuit for $725M

It’s not the crime, it’s the cover up… The scandal-hit company formerly known as Facebook has fought for over four years to keep a lid on the gory details of…

Unsealed docs in Facebook privacy suit offer glimpse of missing app audit

Can money buy privacy? Facebook’s parent, Meta, has proposed to settle a long-running privacy class action lawsuit in the Northern District of California related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Reuters…

Facebook moves to settle Cambridge Analytica lawsuit

The District of Columbia has just announced fresh litigation targeting Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, for his role in the Cambridge Analytica Facebook data misuse episode — alleging it has evidence…

Washington, DC’s AG is suing Mark Zuckerberg over Cambridge Analytica

It’s been almost a year since the EU’s executive announced it would propose rules for political ads transparency in response to concern about online microtargeting and big data techniques making…

Europe offers tepid set of political ads transparency rules

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must thoroughly investigate Facebook and enforce our laws.

Why Facebook’s angry emoji should interest the US SEC

Washington D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine has added Mark Zuckerberg to a lawsuit against Facebook over consumer privacy violations related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal. “Our continuing investigation revealed that…

Mark Zuckerberg named as defendant in Facebook privacy suit

A new research paper written by a team of academics and computer scientists from Spain and Austria has demonstrated that it’s possible to use Facebook’s targeting tools to deliver an…

Researchers show Facebook’s ad tools can target a single user

The U.K. published its first-ever national AI strategy this week. The decade-long commitment by the government to levelling up domestic artificial intelligence capabilities — by directing resource and attention toward…

UK’s AI strategy is ‘ambitious’ but needs funding to match, says Faculty’s Marc Warner

The governing party of the U.K. has been fined £10,000 by the national data protection watchdog for sending spam. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has sanctioned the Conservative Party following…

UK PM Boris Johnson’s Tories guilty of spamming voters

Remember the app audit Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg promised to carry out a little under three years ago at the height of the Cambridge Analytica scandal? Actually the tech giant…

Facebook’s secret settlement on Cambridge Analytica gags UK data watchdog

Facebook today is rolling out an update to its Access Your Information tool with the goal of making the tool easier to both use and navigate, as well as better…

Facebook revamps ‘Access Your Information’ tool to better break down, explain data usage

Round of applause for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism — which fought for two years to obtain details of a closed door meeting between Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and the UK…

Mark Zuckerberg threatened to end Facebook’s UK investment in private 2018 meeting with digital chief, warning over ‘anti-tech’ tone

In a finding that should surprise no one, an audit of how UK political parties are handling voter information has surfaced a damning lack of compliance with data protection rules…

Data audit of UK political parties finds laundry list of failings

The UK’s data watchdog has sent a letter to parliament In lieu of a final report on a wide-ranging investigation into online political advertising which saw it raid the offices…

Cambridge Analytica sought to use Facebook data to predict partisanship for voter targeting, UK investigation confirms

Facebook today says it has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. against two companies that had engaged in an international “data scraping” operation. The operation extended across Facebook properties, including…

Facebook sues two companies engaged in data scraping operations

The former CEO of Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data company that worked for the 2016 Trump campaign and shut down in 2018 over a voter manipulation scandal involving masses of…

Cambridge Analytica’s former boss gets 7-year ban on being a business director

Joe Biden’s decision to name California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate in the quest to unseat President Trump means that the next vice president could be not only…

Kamala Harris brings a view from tech’s epicenter to the presidential race

European lawmakers are eyeing binding transparency requirements for Internet platforms in a Digital Services Act (DSA) due to be drafted by the end of the year. But the question of…

Privacy not a blocker for ‘meaningful’ research access to platform data, says report

A voter contact and canvassing company, used exclusively by Republican political campaigns, mistakenly left an unprotected copy of its app’s code on its website for anyone to find. The company,…

Security lapse exposed Republican voter firm’s internal app code

Australia’s privacy watchdog is suing Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica data breach — which, back in 2018, became a global scandal that wiped billions off the tech giant’s share price…

Australia sues Facebook over Cambridge Analytica, fine could scale to $529BN

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Brittany Kaiser has released new documents today that illuminate the initial jockeying between the company and Facebook as they discussed the need for Cambridge Analytica to delete…

Cambridge Analytica email chain with Facebook sheds new light on data misuse scandal

More details are emerging about the scale and scope of disgraced data company Cambridge Analytica’s activities in elections around the world — via a cache of internal documents that’s being…

Facebook data misuse and voter manipulation back in the frame with latest Cambridge Analytica leaks

A joint investigation by watchdogs in Canada and British Columbia has found that Cambridge Analytica-linked data firm, Aggregate IQ, broke privacy laws in Facebook ad-targeting work it undertook for the official…

Brexit ad blitz data firm paid by Vote Leave broke privacy laws, watchdogs find

Facebook’s latest transparency report is out. The social media giant said the number of government demands for user data increased by 16% to 128,617 demands during the first half of…

Facebook says government demands for user data are at a record high

California’s attorney general Xavier Becerra has accused Facebook of “continuing to drag its feet” by failing to provide documents to the state’s investigation into Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. The attorney…

California accuses Facebook of ignoring subpoenas in state’s Cambridge Analytica investigation

Facebook has reached a settlement with the U.K.’s data protection watchdog, the ICO, agreeing to pay in full a £500,000 (~$643K) fine following the latter’s investigating into the Cambridge Analytica…

Facebook agrees to pay UK data watchdog’s Cambridge Analytica fine but settles without admitting liability

The third annual review of the EU-US Privacy Shield data transfer mechanism has once again been nodded through by Europe’s executive. This despite the EU parliament calling last year for…

EU-US Privacy Shield passes third Commission ‘health check’ — but litigation looms

Brexit looks set to further sink the already battered reputation of tracking cookies after a Buzzfeed report yesterday revealed what appears to be a plan by the UK’s minority government…

Brexit means clear your cookies for democracy