brianne kimmel

While web3, the metaverse and virtual HQs feel like the loudest features of the “future of work” startup category, Worklife Ventures founder Brianne Kimmel has a more down-to-earth definition. The…

Brianne Kimmel’s new $35 million fund isn’t yet tempted by all of web3

Ali Partovi prides himself on the many relationships he has built throughout Silicon Valley as a highly successful entrepreneur and investor. For example, two years ago, Partovi launched a program…

Ali Partovi has a new accelerator promising to connect founders with star engineers

Vantage, a service that helps businesses analyze and reduce their AWS costs, today announced that it has raised a $4 million seed round led by Andreessen Horowitz. A number of…

Vantage raises $4M to help businesses understand their AWS costs

Life is complicated and so — increasingly — is work-life. That’s the premise underpinning Polywork, a new professional social network founded by Lystable/Kalo founder, Peter Johnson. It’s announcing a $3.5…

Polywork gets $3.5M to blend professional and social networking

This morning Citadel ID announced a combined $3.5 million raise for its income and employment verification service. The startup provides an API to customer companies, allowing them to rapidly verify…

Citadel ID raises $3.5M for API-delivered income and employment verification

Featured Article

7 investors discuss augmented reality and VR startup opportunities in 2020

For all of the investors preaching that augmented reality technology will likely be the successor to the modern smartphone, today, most venture capitalists are still quite wary to back AR plays. The reasons are plentiful, but all tend to circle around the idea that it’s too early for software and…

7 investors discuss augmented reality and VR startup opportunities in 2020

Featured Article

Does 👁👄👁 illustrate the power of meme culture in fundraising?

Fundraising was once a formal process. A decade ago, founders would make pilgrimages to the stodgy investor offices that line Sand Hill Road. Now, as the coronavirus ravages the world and venture capital grows as an asset class, a first “yes” can come from an investor-matching tool built on Notion,…

Does 👁👄👁 illustrate the power of meme culture in fundraising?