boston dynamics

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Industries may be ready for humanoid robots, but are the robots ready for them?

How large a role humanoids will play in that ecosystem is, perhaps, the biggest question on everyone’s mind at the moment.

Industries may be ready for humanoid robots, but are the robots ready for them?

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Humanoid robots are learning to fall well

The savvy marketers at Boston Dynamics produced two major robotics news cycles last week. The larger of the two was, naturally, the electric Atlas announcement. As I write this, the sub-40 second video is steadily approaching five million views. A day prior, the company tugged at the community’s heart strings…

Humanoid robots are learning to fall well

This week Boston Dynamics retired its well-known Atlas robot that was powered by hydraulics. Then today it unveiled its new Atlas robot, which is powered by electricity. The change might…

TechCrunch Minute: New Atlas robot stuns experts in first reveal from Boston Dynamics

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Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot goes electric

Atlas lies motionless in a prone position atop interlocking gym mats. The only soundtrack is the whirring of an electric motor. It’s not quiet, exactly, but it’s nothing compared to the hydraulic jerks of its ancestors. As the camera pans around the robot’s back, its legs bend at the knees.…

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot goes electric

Now that humanoids are all the rage in the robotics industry, Boston Dynamics on Tuesday officially retired theirs. The Hyundai-owned firm has always marched to the beat of its own…

Atlas shrugged: Boston Dynamics retires its hydraulic humanoid robot

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Top robotics names discuss humanoids, generative AI and more

Last month, I took an extended break. In a bid to keep my robotics newsletter Actuator (subscribe here) up and running, however, I reached out to some of the biggest names in the industry. I asked people from CMU, UC Berkeley, Meta, Nvidia, Boston Dynamics and the Toyota Research Institute…

Top robotics names discuss humanoids, generative AI and more

Since the company’s earliest days as an MIT spinoff, Boston Dynamics’ systems have always provided entertainment value. It’s something the Hyundai-owned firm has long embraced by releasing dozens of wildly…

Boston Dynamics joins forces with firm behind ‘Avatar,’ ‘Jurassic Park’ animatronics

For the next few weeks, TechCrunch’s robotics newsletter Actuator will be running Q&As with some of the top minds in robotics. Subscribe here for future updates. Part 1: CMU’s Matthew…

Robotics Q&A with Boston Dynamics’ Aaron Saunders

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A tale of two research institutes

If you’re lucky, once a year you get to put together a panel built on pure kismet. Pairing Gill Pratt with Marc Raibert was exactly that for me. The two go back several decades, to the salad days of MIT’s Leg Lab. [A version of this story originally appeared in…

A tale of two research institutes

Marc Raibert founded the Leg Laboratory at CMU back in 1980. After moving homes to MIT in 1986, it became one of the most important research facilities in robotics. It’s…

Marc Raibert and Gill Pratt will discuss state-of-the-art research at TechCrunch Disrupt

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Winging it

Once again, your intrepid robotics reporter finds himself in the warm embrace of the Bay. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the warmest I was ever embraced was early summer in Santa Clara. I’m writing this from a juice place in Palo Alto (living the dream), having finished a pair of back-to-back…

Winging it

I’m not what one might deem a “swag guy.” I’ve known plenty over the years — video game and comics shows are a particular hot bed. People beg for extra…

Check out these Boston Dynamics promo LEGO kits

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The life and death of a robot vacuum

I’m heading back to the South Bay next week, thanks to Google I/O, which is coming back to the Shoreline Amphitheater. I honestly don’t expect much of anything related to this beat, though AI is going to be all over that thing. That’s hardly a new phenomenon, of course —…

The life and death of a robot vacuum

Former cop and self-declared “geek” Eric Adams held a press conference in Times Square today to let the city know how much he loves police robots. New York City’s mayor…

New York’s mayor wants you to know how much he loves police robots

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Boston Dynamics puts its robots to work

At first glance, Boston Dynamics is a strange fit for a show like ProMat. For decades, the firm has presented a flashy image to the world — a company well known for robotic highlight reels, from the snow-traversing Big Dog to parkour-performing Atlas. But a recent approach has found it…

Boston Dynamics puts its robots to work

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Putting the Boston in Boston Dynamics

When you name your company Boston Dynamics, certain geographical constraints are inserted into the operation. While the Spot-maker is, by many accounts, a global brand, it’s one that remains deeply tied to Massachusetts, even as it’s changed hands between owners in California, Japan and, most recently, South Korea. Headquartered a…

Putting the Boston in Boston Dynamics

Boston has long been one of the most important startup ecosystems in the United States. With major universities and a legacy of innovation, the city is a great place to…

TechCrunch Live is going to Boston, and you’re invited!

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There are still robotics jobs to be found (if you know where to look)

A lot has happened in the half-year since we caught up with Ayanna Howard, dean of the Ohio State University’s College of Engineering — not all of it good. The broader economic slowdown has been deeply felt by the robotics industry, across the board, from the smallest startups to the…

There are still robotics jobs to be found (if you know where to look)

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Building up and tearing down

I managed to squeeze the remaining vestiges out of CES 2023 in last week’s Actuator. The good news is that things are starting to pick up again like clockwork. If you’ve emailed me about work stuff in the past week, I apologize for the delay — I’ve been out of…

Building up and tearing down

Boston Dynamics just released the latest demo of its humanoid robot, Atlas. The robot could already run and jump over complex terrain thanks to its feet. Now, the robot has…

Boston Dynamics’ latest Atlas video demos a robot that can run, jump and now grab and throw

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Automating the income gap

This is going to be another one of those “let’s ask ourselves some difficult questions” newsletter introductions, so if you’re in the U.S., I certainly won’t blame you for not giving Actuator your full attention until after the holiday. I generally approach these conversations through the same basic lens: a…

Automating the income gap

A legal dispute over robotic patents is devolving into a war of words, as Ghost Robotics fires back against Boston Dynamics. The Philadelphia firm calls the suit both “obstructive and…

Ghost Robotics fires back against ‘baseless’ Boston Dynamics lawsuit

If you know anything about Ghost Robotics, it’s likely one of two things: 1) They make robot dogs. 2) Sniper rifles can be mounted to those robots. A majority of…

Boston Dynamics sues Ghost Robotics over robot dog patent infringements

This morning, a group of prominent robotics firms issued an open letter condemning the weaponization of “general purpose” robots. Signed by Boston Dynamics, Agility, ANYbotics, Clearpath Robotics and Open Robotics,…

Boston Dynamics, Agility and others pen letter condemning weaponized ‘general purpose’ robots

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Let’s talk humanoids for a minute, shall we? Why do so many roboticists insist on creating robots that look like us? Get ready to see plenty more humanoid robots. The subject is top of mind for a few reasons. First — and most prominently — is the fact that Tesla…


The quest to build the perfect humanoid robot is heating up, as Figure — a startup currently operating in stealth — is developing a multi-purpose bipedal ‘bot it plans to…

Archer’s co-founder is bootstrapping an all-purpose humanoid robot

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Don’t sweat the singularity

Monday is Labor Day here in the States. In most households, it’s come to mean one final three-day weekend to mark the end of the summer. It’s a bittersweet feeling that stirs up all sorts of back-to-school excitement/dread buried deep down inside my lizard brain. It’s neither surprising nor particularly…

Don’t sweat the singularity

I admit to having my doubts when Boston Dynamics announced it was getting into the already crowded warehouse/logistics field. One could certainly make the case that Stretch is a bit…

Supply chain firm NFI inks $10M deal to deploy Boston Dynamics’ Stretch robots

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The three true robotic startup outcomes

Allow me to borrow a phrase from baseball for a moment. If you follow the sport, you’re likely aware of the concept of the “three true outcomes.” They are, specifically, a home run, a strikeout, and a walk. The throughline between the three is that, in most instances, they’re not…

The three true robotic startup outcomes

The Station is your central hub for all past, present and future means of moving people and packages from Point A to Point B. 

The Station: Arrival slashes EV targets, more Tesla FSD controversy and NHTSA loses its captain