
One of the biggest bottlenecks in the EV rollout is charging infrastructure. There’s no shortage of companies taking a stab at it, but Orange believes it has a smarter approach.…

Orange you glad this company is making it easier to get EV charging in your building

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The majority of early-stage VC deals fall apart in due diligence

Here’s what investors are looking for when writing the first check into a fledgling startup.

The majority of early-stage VC deals fall apart in due diligence

Today, we tear down the pitch deck that landed Five Flute a $1.2 million pre-seed round.

Pitch Deck Teardown: Five Flute’s $1.2M pre-seed deck

Product managers for software have a pretty thankless job — figuring out which features to put into a development sprint, how to prioritize what the developers work on and collecting…

Five Flute annotates hardware product development into the current millennium